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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Sunday 22 February 2015

Nanny in Seattle, part 12

It is starting to rain again. Will I ever get used to the rain? I guess not, since I was born in a country where rain is a constant, and it still bothers me. I didn't bring a coat, so I run.
A car pulls up along side of me. A red car. The driver opens the window.
"Do you want a ride?"
"Fuck off, Eddie."
"Come on. You'll get wet."
"Leave me alone."
"Lotte," he pleads, "don't be like that."
I stand still. Turn at him furiously.
"Be like what? You, you asshole!"
He opens the passengers door.
"Please. We need to talk."
I start walking again.
"No! You are a lunatic. You tried to kill me the other day."
It is starting to rain harder. A violent down-pour. I'm really getting soaking wet if I don't find shelter.
"Get in."
"Forget it."
A thunder clap. I am afraid of the thunder.
I get in the car.
He looks at me, at my wet body.
"Drive." I say with my teeth clasped. I pull the fabric of my tee a bit. It clings to my body and I don't want him to get the wrong idea.
"Where do you want to go?"
I was going to Chad's house. But I don't want to tell Eddie.
I shrug. "You wanted to talk. Just drive."
He is silent for a while. I look at him sideways. His profile is just beautiful. He is wearing a cap, his hair stashed away under it. How does he get all that hair under that hat, I muse. Irritated with myself I start biting my nails. Don't look at him. He is a bastard.
Think of Chad.
Kissing Chad.
Chad's mouth on mine.
Chad's hands on me.
Like a jamming device another image takes over.
"...fuck it...I'm coming...."
Oh god. This isn't going to work. I'm all flushed. I can't help it. Eddie's moaning keeps on echoing in my mind.
"....so tight..."
I look at Eddie again, who is still silent.
"Lotte," he says at the same time.

He drives to his apartment. We need to talk. I need to talk. Get him out of my system somehow.
He says he is sharing his apartment with another member of the band. Not with his girlfriend? I wonder where she lives.
It is a nice apartment. Just as messy as his other, but a bit bigger. Lot's of instruments too. A keyboard in a corner, guitars and amplifiers. And the plant. Eddie's plant. I smile.
He notices. He smiles back.
"Couldn't leave it."
An enormous thunder clap makes me jump.
Eddie shakes of his cap and walks up to me, pulls me against his chest. He comforts me by stroking my back. Massaging my neck with one hand, holding me against his body with his other hand on the small of my back.
We stand like this a couple of minutes, breathing in the same rhythm. But then I hear the voice of the Aussie girl in my head and I am getting tense. I shake of his hands and take a step back.
"You wanted to talk." I say.
He walks to a closet and gets out a towel.
"You should dry yourself before you get cold. Here." He hands me the towel.
"You can get some dry clothes from me if you like."
"You keep on gives me clothes."
"I didn't keep your flannel shirt."
"Why not? You uh...it looked great on you."
"I ripped it apart."
"What is your problem?"
"You are an asshole."
"Yes, you said that." He turns away from me and picks up a guitar. "Well, I probably am then."
He plays a bit. Looks at me from the corner of his eyes, sees me shivering. Then nods towards a door. "You should take a warm shower. Before you catch a cold."

I walk through a corridor and find the bathroom with a shower. The light isn't working so I have to keep the door ajar. I sing so if his room mate comes home he will know I am in there. The water is very pleasant and soon I get warm again.
There is a bottle of shampoo, it smells like Eddie. I pour some in the palm of my head and start soaping my hair...my whole body with it.
I hum.

Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines
(When it rains and shines)
It's just a state of mind?
(When it rains and shines)
Can you hear me, can you hear me?

I know he is looking at me. I can feel him. When I open my eyes I see him standing. Leaning against door post. His arms folded.
I want to tell him to go away, but I don't. I just stare back.
Slowly he takes a view steps into the bathroom. He slides open the glass doors. I press myself against the tiles. It doesn't seem to bother him at all that he is getting wet. He doesn't even seem to notice. His intense stare paralyzes me. I glance at his mouth while I bite my lip. He leans in without touching me, locks his lips over my lower lip, softly sucks on it. Inviting me to kiss him back.
I kiss him back.
An almost inaudible moan escapes him when I put my arms around his neck and tenderly tug some strands of his hair.
His hands roam all over my back, pulling me against him, groping my small ass.
He lifts one of my legs, moves it high up his hips. The fabric of his shorts and the bulge underneath makes me groan his name.
I hit my head a bit against the tiles because my foot slips away while I make the sudden move to release him of his clothes. The need of feeling him inside of me is growing so strong and I embarrass myself by trying to get my hand in his briefs but getting stuck in his fly.
Eddie giggles, but he wants me just as bad as I do him and he almost rips open his shorts and pulls down his boxer briefs. There he stands, his pants on his ankles, his tee clinging on his body like a second skin.

While he holds his dick in his one hand he reaches for me and gently strokes between my legs. Gasps when he feels how ready I am for him. Suddenly he grabs my ass with both hands and while lifting me he pushes me up against the wall. His hard cock slowly slides into me, but his moves are forceful, almost uncontrolled.
"Jesus, Lotte..."
I cling onto him, my arms around his neck, my legs around his hips, he screws me against the cold tiles. Thrusts in and out of me, his breathing loud and soaring.
I feel I am contracting around him and am about to fall apart when he suddenly pulls back.
"Fuck!" He cries out. No longer able to stand on his legs he sinks to the floor, taking me with him. He shudders.
"...fuck..." he gasps again. A combination of a curse and a sob.
He takes my face in his two hands, the palms softly on my cheeks and then he covers my mouth in a long and deep kiss.

We sit like this for a while. Kissing. Drinking each other. The water flowing on our heads, on our bodies.

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