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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Friday 20 February 2015

Nanny in Seattle, part 11

Chad looks at me in surprise when I squeeze his arm. Like real hard. It must have hurt. I mouth sorry and he gives me a big smile. Then he hugs me. I let him, but my eyes are on Eddie.
This can't be true.
I knew he was in Seattle, but...I hear the Aussie girl in my head saying:
"Eddie went to Seattle. Together with his girlfriend."
But this city can't be that small. I mean, I could have dreamed to see him again, but I didn't really believe I actually would. But here he is, and here am I. Staring up at him.
My heart pounds real hard and even though I am so angry at him I also feel those treacherous butterflies having a ball in my belly.
He looks like he is hiding. His hair is propped away under a weird hat and he is wearing a balloon shaped jacket and the black shorts with the missing button. But he can hide all he likes, the beauty keeps peeping through.
He doesn't look at the crowd. He seems so shy. My heart goes out to him even if he is a deceiving cheating bastard. I put my arm around Chads waist. Smile up at him. Chad pulls me a bit closer.
And just as I look back at the stage I see Eddie's eyes on me.
His eyes get bigger, he stares at me for a second or so and then looks back at his shoes again. Turns his back to the crowd and walks a bit to the back of the stage. In the dark, but I can feel he is still looking at me.
I wonder if he recognizes me. Why would he, I totally changed my hair and why would I be here, in Seattle and not back in San Diego, and why would he recognize a girl he only saw one day....even though he fucked her.

Eddie and the band he plays in seem to ignite the crowd. Old school punk pogoing takes place and the front of the stage turns into a mosh pit.
Even though Chad tries to protect me he can't help it that a guy jumps on me and hurts me. I fall and when Chad helps me up I catch the worried look upon Eddie's face. As I hold my temple with my head bent I lean into Chad while he leads me to the back of the hall. I can almost feel Eddie's eyes in my back. I hope he sees me go.

Chad takes my chin and turns my temple towards him a bit.
"Looks okay. Might bruise a bit though. How are you feeling? Let's get something to drink. Ask for some ice."
"I feel alright, Chad, thank you. Yes, let's get something. I'm thirsty."
I know I am alright. The only dizziness I feel is caused by seeing Eddie again.
While I wait for Chad to get me something to drink I scan the crowd. Not much people, maybe two hundred or so, and they all seem very comfortable with each other. They don't stare at me. My hair appears to be normal around here. Most of the guys have long hair, and the girls are feminine in a butch way.
I observe. I am surrounded by people and yet feel so alone.
"Lotte," I hear my name whispered. I feel a hand gliding between the overall and my top. Starting at my side and slowly sliding to my belly. His touch so soft if it were anyone else doing it I wouldn't even notice. But I do notice.
I close my eyes and when he lifts my hair a bit and I can feel his breath tickling neck.
Then slowly I turn around.
"Eddie." I breathe out, opening my eyes.
He is sweating like an otter. His untamed hair is caked to his head and his white tee clings to his body. Almost unintentionally casual his lips brush mine. He pulls back. He has such an intense look in his eyes, under those familiar furrowed brows. I can't tell what he's thinking. Then he kisses me. A real kiss. And I kiss him back.

I can't believe that I kiss him back and with an involuntary exclamation I push him away.
With two hands he grabs his head and wipes the wet hair back. It looks like a desperate gesture. But then he props his hands in the pockets of his shorts and gives a shy, dimply smile.
"This sure is a coincidence. How did you get here?"
"Yeah. My employer moved. And I came with him."
"I like what you have done with your hair. Uh rather drastic, though."
Self conscious I turn a strand of my hair around my finger. He follows the movement and then stares at my mouth.
I stay silent for a while. Somehow we seem to devour each other with our eyes, but are also aware of the surroundings. The whole situation makes me want to scream. I want to hit him, bite him...and ohhh. I want to kiss him, fuck him.
I try to think of something neutral to say.
"I saw you. You were good."
While the chit-chat continues Chad returns with the drinks.
"Hey," Chad says. "You're the new singer! Far out, man. You were really good!"
"Thanks, dude, appreciate it." says Eddie while he looks from Chad to me. Chad has brought a moist towel with some ice in it. Dabs it against my temple.
"Better?" he asks.
I nod grateful. Take over the cloth.
"Alright. Uh." Eddie sighs. "Lotte, nice to see you again." He bents his head towards me in order to kiss me on the cheeks, but his mouth lingers near my ear.
He whispers.
"I want you. So much."
"Asshole." I exclaim taking a step back.
He ruffles my hair, nods to Chad and walks away, turns and gives me a hurt look. A pout. Then disappears.

"I didn't know you knew the singer." Chad laughs. "You only just arrived in Seattle!"
"Yes, true, but so did he."
"You know him from San Diego?"
"Yeah. He's a surfer I met."
"Small world."
"Yeah. I was surprised to see him here."
"I noticed." He rubs his arm with a painful grin.
"Awww, I'm so sorry, Chad." I try to look guilty, but Chad smiles. Showing his strong white teeth.
"Why did you call him an asshole?"
"Did I?"
"Okay. Not my business. Ready to see the rest of the bands?"

Even though I am still distracted by seeing Eddie again, Chad and I have a great evening.
It is getting late so we leave and while we walk to the car Chad puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me close.
"Did you like it?" He asks.
"Very." I answer looking up at him. "Thanks for taking me."
Chad stops, looks down at me with a serious face and quotes.
"Certain things catch your eye,
But pursue only those
that capture your heart."
He looks at the sky and laughs suddenly. A clear and happy sound.
"Sorry, Lotte." He smiles at me, presses his fists in his eyes and chuckles now.
"It is an old saying of Native American origin. It applies to this evening. Consider yourself a prey from now on."
"Uh...okay?" I think he has gone a bit bonkers, but he looks friendly enough. Until he bents over and kisses me.

Chad has his hands at my waist and bents me backward a bit. I put my arms around his neck. It is a good kiss, I really get into it. I guess I am a slut.
But then we hear a door slam, a motor getting started and the car pulls up with roaring sound.
From the corner of my eyes I see the red car passing by, and if Chad hadn't pulled me away...
Jesus, it is so close...I see the driver...and he gives me the finger...and it is Eddie.

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