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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Wednesday 20 August 2014

15. Apple

Strangely normal this was. Him leaning against the counter and following me with his eyes while I was making us a smoothie. I put some spinach in the blender and leaned over him to get some bananas from the fruit bowl. He intercepted me, held me tight with his arm around my waist.
"Do you ever think of New York?" He asked me.
"Often." I said.
"What do you mean, when?"
"When do you think of New York?"
Confused I pushed him away. Added the bananas, some water, and hemp seed. Took two glasses and poured. As I gave him a glass our fingers touched. Funny that after all our intimacy I still felt electric sparks.
He kept looking at me questioningly.
"I....think of you...often. Not just New York. I feel you." I stammered. "It's just...just...you know..."
"Don't tease me. You know when."
"You are a dirty girl." He said with a smirk on his face as he reached for me.
He bent me with one arm behind my back. I arched. Kissing my neck, lower, he made my tee wet by nipping and sucking my nipple through the fabric while touching the other with his thumb. Drawing circles around it till I moaned with pleasure and frustration.
"So tell me...when?" He demanded.
"To be honest...I...most of the time. Those moments when...empty moments. It can be a smell, a taste, a sound.
I...have to...I have to get my kids from school."

Giggling and stomping my kids and me game inside.
I expected him to be there. Waiting for me. But he was gone. I sighed. What did I expect? Nothing's changed.
I hugged my beautiful children. My daughter with her long brown curls with golden specks and my cute son, Mees. He was getting bigger now. Bigger then her almost. 'Hollander', I thought lovingly.
"Mommy?" My daughter asked with big blue eyes. "Mommy, let's make a painting!"
"Mommy?" Mees asked with his big green eyes. "Can go and play outside?"

It was almost diner time when the doorbell sounded. My girl and me were making a painting together. And my boy was back and played with some Lego. He ran to the door and yelled, "Maybe it's Dad!"
When he came back in the room he was not with his father, but with him. The lion.
I jumped up. My daughter cried out because I threw over the glass with the brushes. He was carrying a bag with food. Falafel. Best  falafel in town. He smiled. Looked at me, at my daughter, then my son. Cleared his throat and introduced himself to my children in a shy and charming manner.
"Wicked!" My son cried. "Did you bring your guitar? Are you going to sing for us? Can you learn me how to surf?"
Obviously my son knew who he was.
My daughter shook his hand.
"Hello, sir, my name is Apple."
"What did you say your name was?" He said, raising his brows a bit.
"Apple, sir."
"Apple! Wow. That name fits you perfect with your lovely apple cheeks and that cute dimple."
Apple looked questioning at me with her ocean coloured eyes. I translated, at which she blushed and thanked him.

After diner I cleared the table and made some Greek yoghurt with honey and walnuts. When I came into the living Mees, Apple and the Lion were watching an animated Japanese film. My kids loved that film. I felt a large lump in my throat seeing the way they sat. Apple with her head on my lovers arm, half asleep. Mees sitting on the floor. Leaning against his leg. I was shocked to see Apple and him like that.  I almost gasped. Normally Apple is rather shy, Mees always very outgoing. But Apple...it seemed almost natural.
He was good with children. Of course he was.

He looked up when I came in. Winked at me. Stared at my body as I was standing in the doorway. He made me feel all squirmy suddenly. Feeling awkward I gave them the yoghurt. Said that they had to go to bed when they had finished it. No arguments.
After they had brushed their teeth, me and mister rock star brought them to bed. Gave them a hug and he even sang something. A tune I never heard before. Made me all weak in the knees, hearing that warm baritone in my own house. No lyrics, just a melody and whispered words of comfort. They fell asleep with no trouble at all.

When we walked down the stairs I thanked him. Not just for the food and the singing, but also for being here.
"And now get the fuck out of my house, before I get used to having you around."
I pushed him in the direction of the front door.
"Do you really want me to go?" He said.
I grabbed his face between my two hands and pulled him towards me. My mouth covered his and hungry I kissed him, fumbling at his clothes. Panting and half dressed he picked me up and carried me back into the living, dropped me at the couch.
While I was lying there, waiting for him to join me, he just stood there staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes, that face, the long golden brown hair. A god. Wild eyed. Half dressed. His shirt half on, only the sleeves wrapped around his arms, leaving his magnificent shoulders bare.
And then he started to undress. I could not help making whimpering sounds.
Then he kneeled and leaned over. Reaching his arm, begonning me to come to him.
And I did. Gladly. I stroked his legs, kissed and bit the tattoo on his calf. Along the inside of his thigh, nibbling his balls and stroking his erect manhood as if I were a sculptress. Up, up, kissing his belly button.

He grabbed me at my jeans and pulled me on him. Kissing me, rubbing against me, breathing loud. Grunting.

"Fuck me, girl. Fuck me real hard."

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