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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Thursday 17 September 2015

The sculptor; part 12

The bassist puts his arm around Eddie's shoulders and leads him back for an encore.
I can see Eddie taking a deep breath as he takes the steps to the stage.
Then he turns and with a intensity in his eyes that almost shock me he nods.
My heart just skips a beat and I feel something inside my tummy squeeze tight.
I run to the cloakroom to get my things.
Suddenly I'm so nervous. I have to get home. Arrange things.

When I get outside it's pouring rain.
I still hear the muffled sound of the band playing. It makes my strangely exited to know that I'll have the frontman in my bed this night. I don't care about Esther, about his girlfriend or any other girl that claims him. He'll be mine tonight. If things go right.

I look around and see Rave standing at the exit of the venue.
He walks towards me in a quick pace, unfolding an umbrella.
"Come, let me walk you home. That way?" Offering his arm and umbrella as protection against the heavy downfall.
"Sorry about what happened to you this evening. Are you alright?" He says.
"A few scratches and it was rather overwhelming, but I'm fine."
"What an prick to do that to you."
"It was part of the show, I guess." I lie.
"He is an asshole. But somehow girls seem to dig him. I think he had every girl in my year."
"Is that so?"
"Hmm...I hate him." He laughs.

We walk past a fast food corner and I feel my empty stomach growling.
I drag Rave inside and we buy something and eat it under the umbrella on a small bench in the park.

It has stopped raining but Rave insists on walking me home.
We arrive in the alley that leads to my front door. I turn and start to thank Rave for his company when suddenly he looks all serious and mutters:
"Can I kiss you?"
Before I can answer he already leans in and brushes his lips over mine while he holds my shoulders to pull me closer.

"Well, well....If it isn't my flatmate. You little floozy." I hear a mocking voice.

Eddie with his deep, soft voice.

I take a quick step back from Rave, whose hands fall to his sides - in an annoyed gesture clutching his fists.
"Hey Eddie, go fish in your own pond." Rave says, irritated.
"Oh, don't mind me, children. Carry on."
He opens the front door and slams it behind him.

"Sorry about that." Rave shakes his head.
"It's okay, Rave." I tell him. "I had a great evening. It was great to meet you. Thanks for the shelter. Goodnight."
I peck him on the cheek. Ignore the disappointment on his face, retrieve my keys from my pocket and get inside.
As I close the door behind me I drop to my knees, press my fists against my eyes and cry out in frustration.
He came home, he came home...alone! Stupid, stupid Hálwen. I grumble to myself.

Then I get up and walk to my room. As I pass the stairs that lead to the upstairs floor I see Eddie sitting on one of the steps. Smoking. A beer bottle in his hands.
I look up at him. He looks tired.
"Hi...flatmate." He says with a serious face.
"Do you want one?" He lifts his beer.
"No thanks...I think I'll go to bed."
Suddenly he gets up and jumps down. He cups my chin in his hand, pulls my head to the side. Inspects my neck. Then he takes my arm. Strokes it with his fingers. Lingering at the bruises.
"....god." He whispers.

To my surprise he takes me up in his arms and carries me to my room.
There he puts me down, kneels in front of me and takes of my boots and socks. With averted eyes he peels of my torn t-shirt, opens my jeans and lowers it. Let's me lean on his shoulders while I step out. He looks around him and finds a thin blanket. Drapes it around me and as if I am a child he lifts me up again and puts me in my comfortable chair.
"Wait." He says with a stern face and leaves my room.

Half dozing away, but I'm waiting. My heart beats so fast. At the same time I'm so tired.
My skin hurts, and I feel dirty.
And I have no idea what Eddie is doing and why he wants me to wait.
Eventually I must have fallen asleep when I hear the door being opened and see Eddie coming inside wearing only a bath towel around his hips.
A dream.
But then he takes me in his arms again and carries me through the corridor towards the bathroom. I breath in his scent and with my face in the crook of his neck I can not help but stroke his skin with my lips and carefully taste him with my tongue.
He softly hums when I do that.

The bathroom is all misty from the hot running water and Eddie seems to have put candles in every corner.
"I cleaned it for you." He whispers in my hair as he puts me down.
He takes away the towel from his hips and steps under the shower. I can see his arousal.
He holds out is hands for me to join him.

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