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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Nanny in San Diego, part 1

"Yes....no...okay, mom...no, don't worry. I'll be alright. I just miss you so much...no....no, I won't cry....awww, mom. I love you too....okay....tell dad I love him. Bye!...Yes, yes, I'll write...bye!...I'm going to hang up now...okay....bye!

I stare out the window, the horn of the phone still clasped in my hand.
With a loud snort I clear my nose.
I won't cry.
I'll make the best of things.
This a good experience, I say to myself.

A week ago Daphne van Breukelen collected me from the airport. She is a blond goddess of about 40 years old and she and her husband Mark were very welcoming and nice. Their two children, Daan and Hannah are adorable and well behaved. They enjoy playing by themselves, meaning I have my hands free, which actually is a bit boring because I have nothing much to do here.
And now even more so, because Daphne and Mark wanted to take a small family break, and me - the au pair -  could have some time for herself.
But now I am staring out of the window missing my parents and friends.
I know nobody here.
All alone and fresh from high school.
Thanks, dad, I think; for having a business relation with small children in San fucking Diego and not in Geneva, Switzerland or Paris, France where some of my friends went.

Somebody waves at me.
I focus and see it is the pool boy.
A ridiculously handsome Mexican guy. He is lean and tan, his hair is black like a raven and he wears it in a bun. And of course his name is Diego. But the way he flirts with me makes me pretty sure he is not a saint.
He gestures at me to come outside.
And I go.

"Hi there Chica, a pretty little woman like you should not stay indoors. Why don't you come with me to the beach after I have finish?"
"Uhhh...I'm not sure."
"Sure you're sure. We'll swim, have drink with some friends, we'll dance. Get your things. I'll wait for you at the parking place."
He has grey eyes. And thick, black lashes. And he looks at me as if I am piglet and he is a starving tiger.
I'm know I shouldn't go. But...I am so bored here.
So I run inside, up the stairs to my room. I bump into Rosita, the maid, who is carrying a pile of clean sheets.
"Woa, careful girl."
"Sorry Rosita, I was going to get my bathing suit and towel. Diego asked me to go to the beach with him."
The motherly figure looks at me from under her furrowed brows.
"With Diego?" She exclaimed.
"Keep your knees together then."
"Rosita, I won't do what you wouldn't do." I laugh.
"That's what I'm afraid of." She winks.

When I get outside Diego is already waiting. Leaning against his red Camaro. He has a surfboard in the rack on top of his car.
I whistle.
"I'm impressed." I say. "What a beautiful car."
Diego smiles and with a proud gesture he strokes the hood of his car.
"I'm glad you like her."
He laughs.
"Get in, my gorgeous." He says while he opens the door.
I get in and Diego starts the motor, which makes a loud roar.
I'm thrilled and nervous.
Diego puts his hand on my bare knee, slides it up a bit and says "don't you worry, Chica, we are just going to have some fun."

The beach is lying behind some steep dunes and rocks.
He holds my hand, as we descend over rough white sand, and has his surfboard under his arm.
I trip over a loose rock and the last meters we almost slide down, me pulling him with me. But I have to let go of him, because I have too much speed and kind of make a somersault.
Giggling I land on my butt. Diego wants to help me get up again, but another hand grabs mine and pulls me up.

When I stand on my two feet again I look up into the bluest eyes I ever saw.
I feel like I am staring in those eyes for ages, but he turns away and looks over my shoulder at Diego who is now standing behind me.
"Hey dude, how's it going." He says.
"Killer, dude." Diego answers.
I look into the most beautiful face I ever saw. Tan, white teeth, pink lips. Cheeks! Oh my god. A dimple. Furrowed brows above those eyes. And hair. He has long brown hair, shaved away on one side of his head. Kind of punk, although his hair looks soft and wavy. The sea seems to have made some dreads in it too. He is a mix of hippie, elf and punk. Oh and surf dude. How can I forget surf dude.
Diego puts his hand on my shoulder, a possessive gesture.
The face looks at me again.
I know I blush and shyly I try to hide my red face by bending my head.
Looking down I see he wears giant shorts. Giant black shorts and underneath the shorts a rim of a red long john appears. And he has cute skinny legs.
"And how are you doing." He asks me with a deep but soft voice. Almost a whisper.
"Bro, this is a nanny fresh from Holland." Diego says. The way he says it makes me feel like I'm some kind of trophy. Or collectors item.
I look up again. "Hi, I'm Lotte."

"Hello Lotte, I'm Eddie."
"Pleased to meet you." I say formal, staring in his eyes again.
And now he blushes and looks down.

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