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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Challenge: the beach

"When this vacation ends I won't be able to go for at least 3 years. So I am going to enjoy myself. Don't look at the price, don't do math, just order that goddamn cocktail if you want it." I say to myself sitting at the bar of the pool, my legs dangling in the water. I always wanted this. Sit on a barstool in a pool. Sucking on a straw, gulping away a fancy coloured drink with fruit and a paper parasol.
"I would like a Sex on the Beach, please." I say to the cute bartender, while nervously manipulating the string of exotic flowers on my neck. I loved the welcoming ritual at the arrival at the hotel, but it also made me feel like a complete dork. Tourist spelled on my forehead with big neon letters. But in my room, changing into my bikini, I decided to enjoy myself to the fullest and no restrains. I would wear that garland. With pride.
"Here you are, madam. On the house." The bartender winked.
"Well, thank you!" And as I took a sip I knew this was going to be a great week.

After the second Sex on the Beach I hoist myself from the stool, wade through the shallow water of the pool to the stairs and walk towards the beach. Pull the straw hat I bought for the occasion deeper because there is a slight wind. This beach is exactly as I dreamed a Hawaiian beach would look like. Palm trees, white sand and the bluest sea ever.
There are hammocks between the trees, deckchairs, parasols, a small cabin where you can change and you can also do all kind of sports and rent surfboards or pedalos. Fun.
There is also the possibility to go scuba diving.
I walk along the shore. This is paradise. After a while the beach gets a bit less cared for. There are rocks, and also some seaweed washed ashore without being raked away immediately. This part of the beach seems deserted. I like that. A bit more natural and adventurous. I can see there are big waves a bit further in the sea. The sea. I sigh. I so love the sea.
I lay down my towel, take of my hat and sunglasses and wade into the sea. The water is lovely. I dive and swim a couple of meters under water. The water is so clear. I can even open my eyes and see the little fish fleeing before me. Laughing with joy I jump up from the water, gasping for breath.
When I surface I see I am not alone. A bronzed man in a wetsuit holding a surfboard stares at me. The man is a god. I have now idea why he stares at me. Makes me feel very shy and self-conscious. I nod in a polite manner and dive back into the surf.
Again I can see there are all kinds of tropical fish swimming around me. They seem attracted by the chain of flowers I still have wrapped around my neck. Maybe that is why that sea god stared. Those flowers must have looked a bit strange on a person diving up from the sea. I chuckle. I hope he thought I looked like a mermaid and not like a mere-monster.

When I get a little tired of swimming and playing I return to the beach. I lie down at the edge of the water. Small waves washing over my legs, the warm sun on my skin, the soft sand clinging at my back like a matrass. It is so quiet.  Only the sound of the sea, and the wind rustling through the leaves of the palm trees. This truly is paradise.

I must have fallen asleep for I wake up by a deep voice talking to me. The voice comes from far away. I'm not sure if I dream or not.
"You should protect yourself from the sun. You are getting a nasty sunburn."
I open my eyes and see the silhouette of a man standing over me. The sun is in his back and I lie in his shadow. The shadow is even bigger because he is holding a surfboard.
I jolt upward, wide awake now, and hit my head on his surfboard.
"Oh fuck! I'm so sorry." The voice says.
The man bends over me, carefully stroking my hair.
"Are you alright?"
I am huddled like a small child. I have a horrible pain in my head. Like a sledgehammer is pounding on my temples. I am nauseous.
I moan.
"Can I have a look at your head?" He asks.
He puts the board down and crouches before me, lifts my chin and swipes my hair away from my face. With delicate fingers he touches and explores my head, while looking deeply into my eyes and not losing contact. I know I am not breathing. This gaze is so intense. Despite the pain I see the most beautiful eyes ever. As blue as the ocean. He surely must be a sea god then.
"It...I'm okay." I stammer.
And when I say this I feel a wave of nausea coming over me. I push him away, jump up and run towards the bushes with my hand over my mouth. And then I throw up.
With my hands on my face I cry. But then I feel a warm hand in my neck and a hand on my forehead.
"Come." He says. "Drink some water."
He hands me a water bottle. I take a few sips, gurgle and spit and give him the bottle back.
"Thank you."
He drapes my towel around my shoulders and carefully wipes my mouth with a corner of it.
I am so ashamed. This would happen to me of course. Meeting the most gorgeous man ever and then spoil it by having a stupid migraine attack.
When I try to stand I get dizzy. I feel the blood leaving my head and then...then I faint.

I seem to float, weightless, warm arms are holding me, I hear breathing, I am disoriented. And then I open my eyes and look into the face of the sea god. He is carrying me. Up to a porch, into a bungalow. He lies me down on a bed. White sheets, white curtains. Cool. He pours me a glass of water. Hands it to me. Urges.
"Drink. You must drink. I think you have a sunstroke."
I obey and then he leaves. I rest my head in the soft white pillow. At the ceiling a fan is slowly turning. Just as I close my eyes to doze away he returns. Places a cool wet towel on my forehead.
I sigh. "Ohhhh, that feels good."
He brought a little jar, opens it.
"This is Aloe Vera, cooling gel from the island. This will cool your skin. Allow me."
With able hands he starts massaging the gel on one of my arms. Long sensuous moves, from my hands - kneading with his thumbs, my wrist to my elbow, to my shoulder joint. Then he removes that chain of exotic flowers, all grumbled now, and massages the muscles in my neck, his fingers softly stroking my collarbones. On his mouth a faint smile. I can see a glimmer of his teeth. His lips make me cringe a bit. I bet my heart just skipped a beat. He looks into my eyes, again that intense gaze. I feel like I'm drowning. I just have to close my eyes.
He takes my other arm. Does the same magic.
I can not help but moan a little.
"Does that feel good?"
I nod.
Then he lifts one of my legs and rubs the gel on my skin. He works thorough and concentrated. His half wet hair falls over his face. I study him. Cheeks made in heaven, a cute straight nose, lashes to die for, a frown between his perfectly shaped brows, short groomed beard, and those eyes - that look into mine again.
"You look like Eddie Vedder." I blurt.
He laughs.
"You do!" I insist.
"Lie still." He says. Smearing a cold clod of gel on my belly.
I squeak and hold my breath.
His warm hand stroking my bare belly makes me feel all squirmy and hot. I try to lie perfectly still, but his eyes on me and his touch make me gasp.
Embarrassed I push his hand away.
"I'm sorry." I say. "This day...I feel so stupid. The long flight with lots of turbulence, alcohol during the day, the excitement, the sun. It was all a bit to much for me. It wasn't because I hit my head on your board...I....I think it was the Sex on the Beach."
"You...you had sex on the beach?"
"Yes. I liked the first and I had a another one."
"I think it was a bit to much."
"Sex on the beach....twice. And you arrived today?" With raised brows he looks at me. His pupils are enlarged.
"I think I had better let you rest a bit." Abrupt he stands up and leaves.
I have no idea what seemed to make him upset.

When I wake it is dark outside. And I'm all alone. My headache is gone. On the nightstand I find a jug with fresh water. I pour a glass and gulp it down. I get up from the bed.
I walk to the porch. The sea god is sitting there, eyes closed, headphones on, a bottle of wine beside him, fingers tapping rhythmically on his knees. Some torches are burning and give highlights on his now dry hair. I want to comb with my fingers through his wavy strands. I stretch my hand, but restrain myself. Softly I touch his shoulder. He looks up.
Takes the headphones of.
"How are you?"
"Much better, thank you."
He just looks up at me. Says nothing.
"I think I should go."
"You don't have to."
I hold out my hand and give him my name.
He takes my hand, firmly.
I laugh. "Yeah, right."
"I am!" He laughs.
He still holds my hand, rubs my palm with his thumb, which makes me shiver.
He looks me in the eyes. Doesn't break contact until I do. Feeling shy.
I scrape my throat.
"I really should go...eh...Ed. It has been a long day."
He turns my hand, presses a light kiss on the inside of my wrist.
"Do you want to have sex with me?" He asks slowly, with his deep voice.
I pull away my hand.
"Are you mad? I don't even know you!"
"Hey, calm down. It was just a feeling. Since you've had sex twice today already, a third time wouldn't hurt, would it?"
I must have looked at him as if he was completely out of his mind.
"You are an asshole!"
He raises his hands. "I'm sorry." Laughs. "I have no intension of insulting you. If I did, I'm sorry. I sometimes blurt out things I want. Life is short."
"I find you very attractive...Ed...if that is your name...but really. It...it might be a cliché, but I'm just not that type of girl."
He stands up. Combs his hair with two hands behind his ears. Making me take a step back, feeling a large butterfly in my stomach.
"Again. I'm sorry. Double sorry."
"It's alright." I take a step towards him, touching his arm. "I just don't understand what you mean with 'a third time'. What third time?"
"You said you had sex on the beach. That it was one of the reasons for your headache."
I burst out laughing.
"What?" He laughs with me, a bit uncertain.
"I had two Sex on the Beach!"
I almost drop to my knees laughing. Such an awkward situation.
"It's a cocktail!"
"A cocktail?
Oh fuck, I feel such an ass." He smiles at me. Revealing his beautiful teeth.
Jeesz, if he wasn't such an asshole I really would have been tempted.
He puts his hands over his face. Shakes his head.
"I think a reset is in order." He says. "Let's go swim."
He holds his hand up and leads me to the beach.

The moon above the ocean is almost full. The water is delicious. There is hardly any wind at all. The sea god who names himself Ed swims towards me. I feel he is staring at me again. I can only see half of his face. He is almost under the water surface. I can see the moon reflecting in his eyes. I'm strangely exhilarated and a little bit scared also.
I splash water at him. He blows bubbles. Makes an aqua-roaring sound. I shriek and flee away, wading through the salt water, my feet at the sandy seabed. But I am not quick enough. The seagod-monster grabs me, making a horrific sound.
"Oh please have mercy. Don't devour me." I giggle.
He pulls me against him. His hands glide over my back. Pushing me closer. His body is lean, his skin is smooth. We don't move, but I can feel he is getting hard.
I put my hand on his chest, carefully examining the strong muscles. I touch his neck, stroke his bearded jaw.
He makes a strange noise.
Suddenly he lifts me up, his hands around my waist and throws me over his shoulder. One arm in the bend of my knees and a hand on my bottom. He drags me to the shore and then lays me down. In the warm Hawaiian sand.
He sits on his knees beside me. Looks at me, at my face, my breasts, my hips, into my eyes.

"Hey," he says, "I know you are not that kind of girl, but please; Let me have sex with you."

I lie still. Just stare at him. Considering. Then I get up.
Without losing eye contact I take of my bikini top, then my bikini bottom.
He stands up and drops his shorts and steps out of them. I reach to him, stroke his balls, his erect shaft. He presses his mouth in my hair. His breathing goes faster as I take his penis firmly in my hand. Pleasuring him.
His fingers find their way between my thighs. Moving upward till they touch my warm vulva. He caresses me, moving his fingers between the folds. He whispers something indistinct.
I put my arm around his neck to steady myself. His hand on my cheek lifts my face up and his mouth covers mine in a warm kiss. Our tongues entwine, tasting, playing. When he sucks my bottom lip while rubbing between my legs I start panting. He is as hard as a rock, in my hand. I want him.
"Do you have protection?"
He nods and when we sink to our knees he grabs his shorts and gets out a condom.
"Well that is convenient. You are pretty sure of yourself."
He chuckles. "Shut up, woman."
I jump up and run away. Yelling. "Catch me if you can."
Ploughing through the sand I hear him catching up. I take a sharp turn to dodge him and want to dive into the sea. But I'm to late. With his arms around my middle he bites me in my shoulder. Growls.
"I've got you. You're mine now, mermaid. Brace yourself."

His hands are everywhere. Tangled in my hair. Cupping my breasts. Rubbing between my legs. I can hear his loud breathing which makes me even wetter. His erection pushes against my ass. He spreads my legs and glides into me with one thrust. He is so big, it makes me gasp.
"Do I hurt you?" He asks concerned.
I reach behind me and knead his firm round buttocks.
"No. Please, fuck me Eddie."

He fingers me while moving inside me. With long hot strokes.
"I...I can not hold it much longer." I moan.
"N-neither can I." He pants.
"Turn me around. I want to see you."
He lays me on the ground. Lovingly wiping my hair out of my face. Then leans forward and softly strokes with his lips over mine.
Then he takes his rod into his hand and rubs the top against my slit, without entering me.
I can only feel his lips and his penis moving against me. Our bodies do not touch. I feel the warm wind stirring my nipples, teasing the little blond hairs on my belly. I can smell him. Clover, wood, the salty sea and manly spices. The sounds of this Hawaiian beach and our laboured breathing.  All my senses are working. Total bliss. I put my arms around his neck, suck his tongue into my mouth and push my hips up high; inviting him inside me.

Slowly he starts moving, but each thrust seems to go deeper and our motions are like an unstoppable train. Going faster and faster. Harder, deeper, faster.
I start meowing and yelping working towards a huge orgasm and then I hear him roar and feel him coming inside me.
He lies upon me. Shivering.
My hands stroke his strong back. I kiss his beard. My ears are ringing. He rolls over with me in his arms. Spent.

Much later I wake. The beautiful sea god still asleep. I look at his face by the light of the moon. I touch his brows. Feel his long hair. He really does look like Eddie Vedder, I think.
I giggle. His eyes open. He smiles at me.
I smile back.
"I think I'll go back to the hotel now." I say.
"For how long will you stay here, on the island?"
"A week."
"Please stay."
"I want to go."
"Then have brunch with me tomorrow." He asks.

When I walk back to the hotel, still glowing from the hot farewell kiss, I feel satisfied and happy. This is going to be a great holiday.
The porter, who was mixing the cocktails earlier this day, welcomes me and asks if I had a pleasant day.
"Yes," I say, "I walked along the beach, I swam in the lovely ocean and...it is all so beautiful."
"We are very proud of our resort. Many guests return every year. And we also have bungalows for people who want more privacy."
"Yes, I think I saw one."
"Can I tell you a secret." The man whispers suddenly. A secretive smile on his face.
"We have famous guests also."
"We have the lead singer of Pearl Jam staying at the moment."
"Eddie Vedder." He smiles.
"Is that right? Well goodnight."
"Goodnight, madam."

I walk away. Feeling light in the head.
Eddie Vedder...he really is Eddie Vedder...

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