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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Friday 30 January 2015

Nanny in San Diego, part 2

I am staring at the young man who is watching his feet kicking up the sand a bit, while Diego - the pool boy - is talking. About me, about himself, about his car.
The surf dude's beautiful long hair has some streaks of blond in it, bleached by the Californian sun.
Behind one ear, the half shaved side, is a thin braid. Bound together with a thread and at the end dangles a small wet feather, moved by the sea breeze it is softly stroking his tan brown shoulder. I don't know why, but looking at that detail I feel a violent lurch inside my belly. I catch my breath, which makes the surf dude look up. Curious. His head a bit crooked. He smiles at me, making my stomach move again. Butterflies.

"Okay. Come on, Lotte." Diego says while he puts his arm around my shoulders, leading me away. "Lets take a dive. See ya, Ed."
I look back over my shoulder and see Eddie stroking his hair behind his ears. He still smiles, then turns and runs the other way.

The water is delightful although the surf is rather fierce sometimes. Diego got his board in the water and sometimes catches a wave. He is trying to teach me how to stand upon a board. But I am not really talented. I keep falling off. Most of the time we float a bit and he is talking about his life here, in San Diego, how he got here and about his group of friends - about hanging out and parties at the beach. Their lives seem to be all about the beach. I wonder if he even has a house or only his car and his surfboard. Sometimes friends of his join us. Then I swim back to the beach and sit on the sand, with my head on my knees - watch him and his mates riding the waves. It is impressive to see and their enthusiasm is catching.
Sometimes I think I see Eddie among them too. He is like a dolphin. Slick and lean. Braking through the waves.

Slowly the sun is setting.

"Are you hungry?" Diego asks.
We sit in the warm sand, watching the sun go down.
"Yes, I could eat something." I say.
"Alright then. My friends are over there, building a fire. We could join them. Wait here, Chica. I'll get some things, buy cold drinks. Do you want wine or beer?"
"Beer, please. But can't I help you?"
"Nah, not necessary. Thanks. I also brought food. Mexican food!" He winks. "Just stay here and wait for me, pretty lady."

I inhale deeply. It is so beautiful here. The sound of the surf, seagulls and I hear music. guitar play, drumming. The sunset is incredible. The most gorgeous colours mix and get reflected in the sea. The sea is almost like the one at home, but far more exotic and untamed. Suddenly I feel happy. I could live here.

When I look behind me I can see Diego descending the dunes with a cool box and some paper bags with food. He also brought a blanket. I take a paper bag and we walk towards the now burning fire where his friends are gathered.
It is a group of young people, my age and some a bit older. They make me feel comfortable around them, but they don't seem to be really interested in me. They are a real gang.
Diego hands me a beer and a dark haired girl with braids and a Rastafarian coloured beanie siting next to me passes me a joint. I shake my head and return it. She then gives it to Diego. I just don't want to smoke in a foreign country.

"So it's not true what they say about the Dutch, Lotte. Or are you an exception." Diego says.
I raise my shoulders. Take a sip of my beer and stare into the fire. I think of home. Can't help missing my friends. I wish they were here too. They would love it here, and I wouldn't be so shy.
Diego is talking and laughing with two men and a girl. They are poking into the fire, trying to build it higher when I suddenly hear a deep but soft voice right beside me.
"Hi Lotte."
It is Eddie.
"Do you mind if I sit next to you?" He asks.

Tuesday 27 January 2015

Nanny in San Diego, part 1

"Yes....no...okay, mom...no, don't worry. I'll be alright. I just miss you so much...no....no, I won't cry....awww, mom. I love you too....okay....tell dad I love him. Bye!...Yes, yes, I'll write...bye!...I'm going to hang up now...okay....bye!

I stare out the window, the horn of the phone still clasped in my hand.
With a loud snort I clear my nose.
I won't cry.
I'll make the best of things.
This a good experience, I say to myself.

A week ago Daphne van Breukelen collected me from the airport. She is a blond goddess of about 40 years old and she and her husband Mark were very welcoming and nice. Their two children, Daan and Hannah are adorable and well behaved. They enjoy playing by themselves, meaning I have my hands free, which actually is a bit boring because I have nothing much to do here.
And now even more so, because Daphne and Mark wanted to take a small family break, and me - the au pair -  could have some time for herself.
But now I am staring out of the window missing my parents and friends.
I know nobody here.
All alone and fresh from high school.
Thanks, dad, I think; for having a business relation with small children in San fucking Diego and not in Geneva, Switzerland or Paris, France where some of my friends went.

Somebody waves at me.
I focus and see it is the pool boy.
A ridiculously handsome Mexican guy. He is lean and tan, his hair is black like a raven and he wears it in a bun. And of course his name is Diego. But the way he flirts with me makes me pretty sure he is not a saint.
He gestures at me to come outside.
And I go.

"Hi there Chica, a pretty little woman like you should not stay indoors. Why don't you come with me to the beach after I have finish?"
"Uhhh...I'm not sure."
"Sure you're sure. We'll swim, have drink with some friends, we'll dance. Get your things. I'll wait for you at the parking place."
He has grey eyes. And thick, black lashes. And he looks at me as if I am piglet and he is a starving tiger.
I'm know I shouldn't go. But...I am so bored here.
So I run inside, up the stairs to my room. I bump into Rosita, the maid, who is carrying a pile of clean sheets.
"Woa, careful girl."
"Sorry Rosita, I was going to get my bathing suit and towel. Diego asked me to go to the beach with him."
The motherly figure looks at me from under her furrowed brows.
"With Diego?" She exclaimed.
"Keep your knees together then."
"Rosita, I won't do what you wouldn't do." I laugh.
"That's what I'm afraid of." She winks.

When I get outside Diego is already waiting. Leaning against his red Camaro. He has a surfboard in the rack on top of his car.
I whistle.
"I'm impressed." I say. "What a beautiful car."
Diego smiles and with a proud gesture he strokes the hood of his car.
"I'm glad you like her."
He laughs.
"Get in, my gorgeous." He says while he opens the door.
I get in and Diego starts the motor, which makes a loud roar.
I'm thrilled and nervous.
Diego puts his hand on my bare knee, slides it up a bit and says "don't you worry, Chica, we are just going to have some fun."

The beach is lying behind some steep dunes and rocks.
He holds my hand, as we descend over rough white sand, and has his surfboard under his arm.
I trip over a loose rock and the last meters we almost slide down, me pulling him with me. But I have to let go of him, because I have too much speed and kind of make a somersault.
Giggling I land on my butt. Diego wants to help me get up again, but another hand grabs mine and pulls me up.

When I stand on my two feet again I look up into the bluest eyes I ever saw.
I feel like I am staring in those eyes for ages, but he turns away and looks over my shoulder at Diego who is now standing behind me.
"Hey dude, how's it going." He says.
"Killer, dude." Diego answers.
I look into the most beautiful face I ever saw. Tan, white teeth, pink lips. Cheeks! Oh my god. A dimple. Furrowed brows above those eyes. And hair. He has long brown hair, shaved away on one side of his head. Kind of punk, although his hair looks soft and wavy. The sea seems to have made some dreads in it too. He is a mix of hippie, elf and punk. Oh and surf dude. How can I forget surf dude.
Diego puts his hand on my shoulder, a possessive gesture.
The face looks at me again.
I know I blush and shyly I try to hide my red face by bending my head.
Looking down I see he wears giant shorts. Giant black shorts and underneath the shorts a rim of a red long john appears. And he has cute skinny legs.
"And how are you doing." He asks me with a deep but soft voice. Almost a whisper.
"Bro, this is a nanny fresh from Holland." Diego says. The way he says it makes me feel like I'm some kind of trophy. Or collectors item.
I look up again. "Hi, I'm Lotte."

"Hello Lotte, I'm Eddie."
"Pleased to meet you." I say formal, staring in his eyes again.
And now he blushes and looks down.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Challenge: My true Nature

When I dream of you we are in a meadow with tall flowering weed grass coloured yellow by the low sun. I wear a loose white silken robe and so do you, with long wide sleeves. You approach me, leading my horse behind you. Your long golden hair is tenderly stirred by the wind. When you are close to me you wrap one arm around my waist, pulling me against you. You look at my mouth and let your lips press against mine. Your tongue slides over my teeth, opening my mouth, meeting mine. Our kiss is warm, long and tender. Slowly we sink to the ground. Making love. To each other, to the earth.

But when I am awake I watch you, from my spot in the dunes at the beach. You are always with your friends, being loud, having fun, being silly and young. Human. You dive into the sea, surf, play music, build fires, drink and smoke. And I watch you. Caressing my horse. Talking to him. Talking about how beautiful you are, about your soft tan skin, your ocean blue eyes, your furry brows, your strong neck, well shaped ears and perfect teeth. The pink of your lips, how you move, how the wind carries your voice to my ears, to my heart. You move me so. I tell my horse how you don't know, how you don't know who you are, how you don't know what you are, how you don't know that we are the same, you and I.
And then I take the manes of my horse, urge him to a canter and pull myself on his back. With my bare legs, my hair loose, tangled and wild. A fierce cry. Away, over the beach, in full gallop. Through the waves.

What I don't know is that your eyes follow me. Until I have disappeared.

The beach is deserted most of the time. My horse and I play in the water. I get in. Splash water at him. He follows, stamps his hooves through the wave, splashing the water. I climb his back, dive into the wave. Swim under him. Surprize him by bobbing up and spitting water at his delicate nose. Perfect trust. I wear nothing but a white t-shirt, much too big, almost to my knees, always leaving one shoulder bare. I don't care. Nobody sees me. Nobody sees us.
Suddenly my horse lifts his head, ears alert, softly snorting. Looks behind him. Starts.

It is you.

You are standing on the shore. Wearing nothing but a flannel shirt wrapped around your hips, loosely, and long johns. Your chest is bare. Your hair, usually hidden under a cap, is loose. Softly stirred by the wind, like in my dream.
You step into the water. Walk till the waves softly tickle your belly. You hold out your hand. For me to come to you.
Cautiously I wade towards you. Take your outstretched hand. Press my face in it. Let the tip of my tongue slide over the skin of your palm. You have calluses. Not as soft as I imagined. Manly.
My fingers trace the muscles on your belly, your sides. You wear some sort of talisman around your neck, a leader strap with teeth. Animal teeth.
"Take them of, please." I point. "They hurt."
"Sure." You say and toss it into the sea. It sinks immediately.
My horse shakes his manes, nickers and leaves the water.
Your gaze is full of adoration when you look at my horse. Yes, he is beautiful.

I float and sometimes touch you under the surface. Then I circle my legs around your waist. Making swimming motions with my arms. I pull you a bit deeper into the water. That is my nature.
You make a gentle laughing sound.  I pleasure you with my soft embraces. Your innocence melts me. Playfully we explore, hardly touching. Sea otters.
You wrap my floating hair around your hand. Delicately tugging it. Urging me closer. Your eyes caress my firm full breasts and my belly, shimmering through the wet shirt. You have a slight smile on your face. With my legs around your hips I feel your arousal. Your eager phallus is pressing against my butt.
I let you go and quickly breast crawl to the shore. On the sand I turn on my back and see you have followed me. You move like a tiger. I spread my legs a bit, just a bit. Questioningly you arch your brow. I lift the wet t-shirt up, take it off. You, clumsy, try to get rid of the wet long john. Limping on one leg and then you are naked, apart from the flannel shirt still wrapped around your hips. Your lust very visible. The skin on your hips and underbelly slightly more pale. So beautiful you are.
You almost drop on your hands and knees. Over me. Astride. Looking deeply in my eyes.  No smile on your face when you brutally poke two fingers in my able cunt, moving them up and down. Up and down, till my mouth opens in a hardly audible gasp.
You take your pulsing rod in your hand and ask me with a strangely distorted voice.
"Do you want me?"
"Yes." I squirm. "Yes, I want you, please take me."
You screw yourself into me, deep, deep and I spread my legs even farther to receive your all. Earth stops turning.
When you start thrusting, in tempo with your breathing, long, quivering - I start wailing, wailing. A strange mythical sound. High and deep, like a horn in the fog. I wail, and you moan, you roar, you whimper - and when you spill your seed into me I scream.
"Oh god, how I love you!" And then I turn into foam. The foam of the sea.

You open your eyes. The waves gently wash over your legs. You lean on one elbow to kiss me. A heavenly smile on your face, spent too. But you can not see me. I am gone.
My horse stands besides you. Nuzzles your hair with his nose. He knows. But you can not understand. Not today. Not tomorrow when you look at the surf. Waves breaking. Stare. Hands clasped in your hair. Crying.
But one day you will learn. Learn to know my true nature. And your own destiny.

Sunday 18 January 2015

Challenge: Festival


You are at a giant outdoor music festival. You get separated from your friends looking for a bathroom. You come across this as you're wandering around . . .


What an interesting two days I've had, but I'm so glad they are over - now I'm going home.
Almost weekend and I'm so tired. And cold. Why must this airplane be so cold. Even here. Business class. My boss pays. I'm on a mission. My mission was to supervise the shooting and now to bring back safe the hard drive -with the footage- I have in my bag, which is now between my feet on the ground.
I fell asleep immediately after boarding. Put on my headphone, eye patches and dozed off. But now I woke up with a start. Freezing cold. I removed my mask and looked around. Not much light on in the cabin. Some passengers are asleep, some are reading or watching the film. Business class is not full.
I need to go to the bathroom. But I have a window seat and the man next to me is sleeping. Or I think he is. I tried to wake him by politely asking if I could pass. Even touched his arm. But nothing. Earplugs in, sleep mask over his eyes and fast asleep.
Quite a nice man to look at. I can see his straight nose under the mask, tan arms in a short sleeved t-shirt. Isn't he cold? Yes a bit, because he has perky nipples. Quite sexy. I chuckle. Beautiful mouth he has too.

I really have to pee.
I take a deep breath, get out of my chair, put the bag with the hard drive on my seat and look at the man again. Then I lift my leg real high and carefully try to step over him, while I support myself holding his seat. Miscalculation. He is awake. I loose my balance and land on his lap. Astride.
He has a slight smile on his face when he places his hands on my hips. Awkward situation. I apologize. He says it's ok. Warm, deep, sleepy voice.
I want to stand up again, on my way, but he withholds me. I scan his face, try to figure out what is going on. But, hey, the man looks good with his sleep mask, like a blindfold or the mask of a superhero, on his beautiful head. Long dark blond, brownish hair. Short cropped beard and a delicious mouth. Straight shoulders. In his prime, definitely in his prime. His hands are warm on my hips. So are his legs between mine. Almost hot. He smells good too. Like sailing in a wooden boat. Wind, wood and salt water. He tilts his head up. Replaces one hand from my hip to my back, under my shirt, pushing me more against him. He breathes in, deep. Lifts his other hand and folds it against my cheek. I bent my head and place my lips on his mouth.
We kiss.
A deep, slow, sexy kiss.
He tastes wonderful. His tongue is warm. His lips are soft. His hands stroke my body. My hands lean on his shoulders. We totally loose ourselves in this kiss. He moans. I can feel his bulge pressing against me.
Then the voice of the stewardess.
"Excuse me, miss, would you like tea or coffee?"
Dazed I look up.
"Ah, just water, please."
She hands me a cup, looks at the man under me who appears to be sleeping and walks on pushing the trolley.
Confused and all flushed I try to get of his lap and follow my way to the bathroom. He strokes me one more time, but lets me go.
In the small space of the toilet I try to refresh myself, look into the mirror and grin. Well, at least I'm not cold anymore.

When I return to my seat the man is gone.

And he does not return. Not during the flight and on the airport I think I spot him in the middle of a large group of people. He sees me, winks and is engulfed by the group around him.
What a weird and hot encounter.

Back at the office -handing over the hard drive, my boss compliments me with the job I had done and says I'm free to enjoy my weekend.
First thing I do when I get home is take a long shower, get dressed and unpack and re-pack my things. Ready to go to a big pop festival my friends and I had planned for this weekend.

My ears buzz, I'm mellow and also a bit drunk already. Sue, Martin, Alf and me are leaning against a big fence passing a joint. I take a puff and sigh.
Till now it had been fun.
Yesterday we saw some new bands, hardly slept because of the noise and the tent was too small for four. It had rained that night, but now -almost five o'clock- the sun is shining. We ate some dry vega wraps and flushed them away with a beer or two. I lie on my back with my head on Alf's lap. He is not my boyfriend or lover, he is my gay best friend. Every girl should have a friend like Alf. He is warm, fun and very handsome. He keeps persistent guys away posing as my husband and he is also my counsellor in the affairs of the flesh. I had told him about my fling on the plane. We had a great laugh, but he also sensed that I was a bit confused about the whole thing and did not tease me with it.
Sue and Martin, on the other hand, are a couple. And they are quarrelling right now. Martin saw Sue flirting -which she does a lot- and now he accuses her from cheating, which she did not. Sue jumps up and paces away, angry. Martin tries to follow her, but she has already disappeared in the mass of people.
"I'll find her." I say. "She probably went to the ladies. I'll go. We'll see each other at the meeting point. At 7, okay?"

And now I am wondering which toilets she went to. I already searched two. She wasn't there. I see another sign, but it is a lot farther away then the others. And I'm a bit fed up with walking all the time so I plan to take a short cut. I see a small opening in the fence, but a big security guy refuses access. I walk a few steps and notice a crack under the fence.  I clamber through it. Belly on the ground, kicking my feet, muttering because I am stuck. I snarl in frustration and give it another try by wriggling my ass like a snake. If snakes had asses, that is. But my tee is caught and when I finally free myself I hear a tearing sound and my tee is completely ripped at the back.
I have dirt on my nose and I'm sweating so I wipe my nose with the back of my hand making a snorting sound. Getting on my knees and patting my front to get rid of the grass and sand I look up and see a man sitting, with his back to a trailer, in a plastic chair -watching me with an expression of irritation and astonishment.

"Fuck!" I say with my mouth hanging open.

The man does not move, but looks at me in growing disbelieve. Then he gets up, looks around and walks towards me. He is wearing black pants, a white shirt with a small print and flip-flops. He stops right in front of me and offers me his hand.
"Here, let me help you." He says. And gets me on my feet.
"Thank you. Sorry to disturb your peace."
"You seem to make a habit out of that." He smiles and brushes his hair behind his ears.
Gorgeous long dark blond, brownish hair. It is the man from the plane.
"So hellooo. We meet again, do we." He laughs. "What brings you here?"
"Well, actually I want to see Peter Gabriel and Amy Winehouse tomorrow and today my friends insist on seeing some American band. Also main stage."
"Okay. Sounds great. Brits right? And uhm, why are you here exactly?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why did you just force yourself backstage?"
"I didn't know! I was looking for the loo! Why are you here?"
He turns, brushes his hair behind his ears again and sits down. Arms crossed, looking me up and down.
"I'm with a band. Come sit."
"On your lap again?"
He grins. "Yes please."
"Joke." I say. Although I am tempted.
"What band?" I ask.
"Some American." He answers. Crooked smile.
I sit next to him on a white ugly plastic chair. So far the glamour of being backstage.
He caresses my arm with his fingers. "Did you have a pleasant flight?" He asks me with a low voice while leaning over to me, giving me goose bumps.
I nod.
His eyes are an amazing colour. Blue. Dark blue? I look at his mouth. His lips are slightly parted. Nice white teeth showing. I have trouble breathing.
"You do that often?"
"What?" I ask.
"Ride men you never met?"
"Not fair." I stammer.
"No. I'm sorry." He clears his throat. "I don't know what to say."
He leans over more closely. Cups my face with his hand, like he did in the plane, closes his eyes. And I kiss him. Again.
But this time he gets up, puts his arms around my waist and drags me out of the chair, kicking it away. He holds me real tight and pushes me against him with one hand on my butt.
We kiss with our mouths wide open. Exploring the depths. Eager and hungry. Tongues doing all the work. Our hands stroke each other's body. Caressing. Kneading. I wring my hand between us. Touching his crotch. Feel its warmth, the growing bulge, rub it. He softly bites my jaw, nips my earlobe between his teeth and groans; "Let's go inside."
He lifts me up and carries inside the trailer, puts me down and tangles his fingers through my hair, undoing the clip that hold my bun. He grabs a handful and pulls my head back, tracing my throat and collarbone with his lips. One hand on my back bending me slowly, kissing my breasts through my t-shirt. He stops, turns me and shoves me against a door. With my back turned and my hands high up I lean against the cool surface. Gasping. He stroke my sides, his mouth tastes my neck, grazes my shoulders. He spreads my legs with his feet. A hand on my belly, the other caressing my tight, the inside of my tight. Higher up. Stroking me between my legs. His hot mouth in my neck, his obvious erection pushing against my ass.
"Take them off." He whispers, breathing heavy, giving me the chills.
He rips my already torn t-shirt while I zip open my short pants. He pulls them down and grabs my wet cunt, stimulating me with his fingers. I touch behind me, his head towards me with both my hands. He kisses me, my mouth, my neck, our tongues battling. His one hand reaching for my breast, kneading and pinching the nipple -moving his fingers in and out of my vulva, teasing the clitoris with his thumb.
I start yelping, high voice, heaving. And then I come. He laughs softly in my ear while I collapse in his arms.
"Now it is my turn." He exhales and spins me around. Hands on my hips, his teeth on my bottom lip, pulling delicately. I put my hands around his face and kiss his lips, look into his eyes, stroke his beautiful hair.
"What do you like." I ask.
"You know what I like."
There is a bed behind him. I put my hands around his upper arms and force him to lie down on it. I sit on top of him. Astride. Unbutton his shirt, his pants. I push his shirt back, to bare his shoulders. I kiss his skin, taste it. His neck, his ear. I sniff him. That delightful scent of wood, sand and sea. Then I gather the rest of my torn t-shirt from my body and blindfold him with it. I take of my bra, take his wrists and bind them - above his head. Now I pull down his pants and gasp at the sight of his glorious hard penis.
I stare at him.
Who is he?
He is beautiful.
His sculpted breast heaves heavy. His wave long hair spread. His mouth slightly open. Surrendered to a total stranger.
I do not understand.
Then I hear my ringtone. At first I ignore, but then I realize I'm with friends and they might be worried.
So I take the phone from the pocket of my small pants lying on the floor.
"Where the fuck are you!"
"You should have been at the meeting point. We are worried sick! Sue's here too. Shows about to start. We are upfront in the middle already!"
"Shit. I'll be there in a sec. I have to..."
He hung up.

Desperate I stare down at the beautiful naked man lying there, trusting me.
Then a loud banging on the door.

A man shouting. "You're on. You got 5 minutes."
"Undo me." My mysterious lover says.
I don't know why but I panic, grab a tee lying around, my pants, and run for the door.
Run to the fence, past the security guy, force myself through the crowd in the direction of the main stage.
And there they are. My friends. Upfront, in the middle. Like they said. Eager to see some American band.

Alf looks at me critically. "Did you change, what is that tee - Felix the Cat? It's too big. You're wild, bra-less. Got plans?"
Then the music starts. Drums, 2 guitars and a bass-guitar.
"Where's the singer?" I ask.
The crowd begins to murmur. The band starts jamming. 10 minutes, 15 minutes.
And there he is. A lion of man. Beautiful. And...

"Fuck!" I say when our eyes lock.

Saturday 17 January 2015

Stray, part 2

The day that I met them, the dog and the boy, I will never forget.
There was a hard wind that day. And it did not make it easy for me to cycle along the shore. The sun was hidden behind a grey sky. I was wondering if it was going to rain. I was not dressed for rain, in my cotton dress with flower prints. So I hurried.
The gulls were flying real low, the beach seemed deserted except for an old beetle Volkwagen painted in stealth black and yellow dots. I had to laugh when I saw that.
At that moment a dog game spurting from the dunes. Straight at me.
I tried to avoid collision, but the dog came after me. So I pedalled harder. But the dog jumped in front of my bike. I had to stop. I shooed it away but it grabbed the skirt of my dress and pulled. Then the dog let me go and started barking and turning, barking and turning, running to the beach, coming back, barking and turning.

I have seen enough Lassie TV-shows to know what was wanted of me. So I took my bike and followed the dog. Into the dunes, on the beach.
And there it was. The body of a young man. Flat on his belly. Didn't know if he was dead or alive. So I dropped my bike and ran to him. It might be a close call.
Carefully I turned him on his side. I brushed the hair from his face. His eyes were closed. He had the most beautiful face I ever saw on a young man. Like that of an angel. My heart must have skipped a beat when I looked at him. But there was no time to admire.
I felt in his neck if there was still a pulse, then opened his mouth to see if there was anything stuck in his throat. Turned him on his back and performed CPR.
His lips were still warm, his chest was firm and muscled. I had to push real hard.
The dog was circling around me and the boy. It was a she-dog. Perhaps she was jealous. Or just concerned.
I listened to his heart. It was beating. But he was not breathing yet. So again I pinched his nose and put my mouth over his to blow all the air I had into my longs into his.

And then he exhales, coughs. I quickly turn him on his side and all the water that was in his longs and stomach comes out. He wants to crawl up, but I push him on his back and hold him.
I say: "Careful! You have injured your head. Probably you got hit by your board. The waves are big today. The sea is violent."
He turns on his side and the dog licks his face. And the boy embraces the dog, pets her head. Buddies.
"She warned me." I tell him. "You should be very grateful."
He talks to the dog. His voice is a bit raspy, but also very low. Resonates somehow.
I must have made a strange sound because he suddenly looked at me, into my eyes, and then I saw his cheeks colour. And I felt my cheeks turn red too. I could have drowned in his eyes, but he lower them, bashful.
The dog begins to bark, happily wagging her tail. Then she jumps up to me and licks my face. I fall on my back. And the dog slobbers my face, my hair and my ears.
"Yes, yes, yes, I'm happy too." I push her away, giggling.
The boy looks at me, his hair falling over his face.
"Thank you," he mouths. "Thank you for saving me."
"The dog saved you." I blush. "Best get you to a hospital. To check your head injury. And I don't know how long you have been unconscious."
He nods, combing his hair out of his face.
"That car, is it yours?" I point at the Beetle.

Silently he sits beside me while I drive him to the ER.
I almost jump as he suddenly speaks, with a low vibrant voice.
"I don't have insurance."
I look at him sideways.
"Why not?"
"Can't afford it."
"Nah, kicked out."
"Don't worry," I say. "I'm an intern."
He looks at me. Impressed. He bobs his head. Like a dope head. Crooked smile.
"Cool." He says.
"Yes, cool." I grit my teeth.

In the ER my fellow intern Jodi and some of the nurses keep swarming around him while I do tests. Even when I take him to radiology they follow us.
"Where did you find him?" Jodi whispers.
"He washed ashore." I respond. "He is a merman."
"Can I have him?"
When I look behind me the merman is being pampered by the nurses, but he looks at me. I look away.
I scan the stats and everything seems okay.
"Your fine," I tell him. "You should eat more, though. Let me take you home."
"Thanks, doc. But I guess I can drive myself?"
"I need my bike."
"Let's go. Let me bring you home." He does a you Jane, me Tarzan on me.
Charming. I laugh.
When we get outside the dog, who had been waiting -like a good girl, welcomes us.

Back at my place he takes of my bike from the roof rack. I invite him in and when he steps into my house he softly whistles, admiring the place.
It is true. I have a nice apartment. Living, open kitchen, bedroom, bathroom. A bit like a loft. He walks to my sound system, kneels in front of the albums. Picks out a few. And sniffs them. Sniffs them? He then chooses one. Delicately handles the record and places it on the player.
Music fills the room.
"I like your choice." I said. "Based on smell?"
He laughs. A hoarse, sexy sound. "The Gist. A shame that band only released one album."
I crouch next to him. Look at him sideways as he keeps scanning my records.
"I'm amazed." He says, combing his fingers through his thick wavy hair. "It's post punk paradise." Smiling he stares into my eyes. I look away. Too much beauty then I can handle. He softly puts his hand around my cheek, his thumb brushing my lips.
"Thank you." He whispers, then draws me to him. I feel his breath on my mouth, but I hear a bark.
The dog pushes between us, happily wagging her tail.
I stand up.
"She needs something to eat and a bowl of water. I have cat food. Would she mind?"
"I'm sure she'll appreciate it. And so do I."

There are some leftovers in the fridge and I take some out, put them in the microwave. I open a bottle of red wine. Fill two glasses. Pet the dog, who only needed three seconds to empty the bowl of cat food.
"So you liked it, huh?" And to him. "What's her name actually?"
"Dunno." He said. "She found me yesterday. She's a stray."
"And you?" I ask.
I return to him with a tray. He is still kneeled in front of my records. When I approach he jumps up to take over the tray, but supports himself against the wall.
"That's quite normal after that blow on your head. Sit down. You are my guest."
He sits on the couch as I put the food and the wine glasses on the coffee table. I hand him a plate and cutlery and he begins to eat with taste. Good. That is a good sign.
The dog is with him, but takes her distance, as if she knows it is not her time to eat.
She adores him and I can not blame her.

When we finish our meal he collects the plates and brings them to the kitchen, runs the hot water and starts to wash them.
"Don't. I have a dishwasher. Thank you."
He turns and leans against the counter.
I clear my throat as I watch him standing there. He is perfectly proportioned. Tight belly, broad shoulders, strong thighs and that wonderful long hair. But his face really enchants me. He has the face of an elf. Never seen such a face but in my fantasies.
As in a trance I stand up and walk to him. He lowers his gaze and looks at his hands, shy suddenly.
Standing real close, almost with my body against his,I tangle my fingers through his hair. Comb a lock behind his ear. He looks me in the eyes now.
Even though he is small, I am smaller still. That surprizes me. I thought I was bigger, but I'm glad he is a head taller. I don't know why I'm thinking this. But the next thing I do is stand on my toes and give him a soft kiss on his lips. His lips are soft. The way they look, soft.
He gives a small sigh. Up close his lashes are impossibly long.
"It's best if you go home now. Get some rest." I say.
My hand rests on his chest. He lifts his hand to hold it there. I feel his heart beat.
"Can't I stay?" He asks.
He bows his head and brushes his mouth over my lips.
"Better not."
"Don't ask."
"Why not?"
"Lot's of reasons, and none of them really good right now. So please go, before I change my mind."
Softly I push him to the door. He chuckles, but goes.
At the door he turns.
"Will I see you again, doc?"
"Sure." I say.
He whistles the dog and she comes immediately. Both step through the door and as he pushes it shut I hear him say.
"I would like that."

I lean against the door and take a deep breath. After some minutes standing there, leaning against the door, getting my wits back, I go to the kitchen and clean up and after that I take a long shower. I have to get up early. In fact, I have get up in 5 hours. First shift. "Doc." His voice echos in my mind.
When I lie in my bed I think of the boy and his stray dog. I shake my head, try to clear my mind, think of his eyes and then fall asleep.