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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Monday 5 October 2015

The sculptor; part 14

Somehow I had the feeling it was important; this letter burning in my pocket.

It was a misty morning Sunday. Another day in this city that made me feel so lost and alone. A letter from my friends was always welcome.
This morning I felt particularly sad because the day before a magazine had come to my attention. On the cover was a picture of Eddie, flanked on both sides by an admiring girl.
I bought it.
Flipping through the pages I found the article. His band was successful. About to conquer the world.
Looking at his beautiful, wicked face and the two attractive girls clinging to his body, I could see that the 'abstinence and creativity' thing was not a motto he lived by.

Two weeks ago I moved to this city. Joshua had given me the chance, I applied and everything went into warp speed. I was accepted to this prestigious art school, got a scholarship and yes: Here I am. Unhappy, protégée child - talented, love sick, lost little Hálwen.
It's not that I don't like this academy, the professors and the students are nice enough - but somehow I have the feeling I must make a real effort to deliver and I'm not so much into art now....

"Abstinence lets the creativity flow."
 Yes, right. But absence leaves a hollowness and sadness. His absence.

I sit down on a bench and open Martin's letter.
As always a couple of sheets containing drawings, prints of photos and a lot of writing and doodles.

"Dear mystic she-animal,

I was...this might sound strange, but I can explain, sleeping in your former house - yes...I slept at Adrian's place...yes, I had sex with Adrian.

Doodles - doodles - doodles

We woke up by a lot of noise, calling, running, slamming doors.
Eddie, your sculptor, had come home and obviously something was wrong.
So Adrian and I went up the corridor to inquire what was going on.
"Where is she, where is she!" Eddie kept on yelling.
"Her room is empty! Where is she!"
Adrian and I tried to explain, but he seemed beside himself.
A maniac!
So we thought it better to go back into our rooms. Decided we would tell him about you the next morning, when he had cooled down a bit.
Hálwen, you're not gonna believe what we saw some hours later. This might shock you.
We couldn't really sleep after the commotion and Eddie kept on making noise.
He was obviously very drunk.
One moment we saw him dragging a bed sheet behind him and an old ghetto blaster, dusty with plaster, under his arm. He went into your room and didn't come out for a while. He was playing music. Very loud. You remember that British band Chris & Cosey? Very loud. Repeat. Driving blind to hell knows where....non-stop!
So Adrian knocked on the door and when Eddie didn't respond he went inside.

Eddie had hung the sheet on the wall and was painting on it.
Hálwen, it was you.
The likeliness was striking. Only, you were naked; extremely sexy and inviting. WHATDIDYOUNOTTELLME!

He kept on stroking the brushes over your body and he never acknowledged our presence.
At one moment he undressed himself.
Oh my god! (He's so hot, btw.)
And then he took the sheet off the wall.
Should I even tell you this...?

Doodles - doodles - doodles

He wrapped himself in the sheet. With the paint still wet! And without any shame he started touching himself, smearing his body with paint - moaning, fucking the sheet while grinding his hips to the floor.
Embarrassed we left him alone, to check on him half an hour later. He had fallen asleep, his hair was wet with sweat and in his hand he held an empty whisky bottle.

Dude, I'm telling you. The guy is crazy.

Anyway. The next day, when we wanted to tell him that you moved to another city, he was already gone. And so was the sheet.

I know he's kind of famous now, so we'll keep this to ourselves. But whoa; what a show.

Oh. Sas says hello. And Rave keeps hanging around us in the hope we'll take him with us when we're coming to visit you.


Martin <3 <3 <3

PS Adrian(a) might be the love of my life."

I fold the letter and put it back in the envelope.
A tremble goes through me as I take a deep breath. I get up from the bench and without seeing or hearing my surroundings I walk back to my room, pack my bag and take the train.


  1. The best so far. He's earned his agony.

    1. Thank you, Teri. This sculptor...oh...i hope my little Hálwen knows what to do with him...because I surely don't...lol....how characters seem to go their own way. Hope she'll find him.

  2. Good one. He's quite the flawed tormented beautiful character.
