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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

The pervert, part 2

My eyes burn. I've been sitting behind the screen too long, writing a review of some documentaries I have to watch for a work assignment. While I'm rubbing my eyes I hear a soft knocking on a window.
Frowning I get up and walk to my kitchen where the sound is coming from. I cannot see anybody, but then I hear the knocking on my front door. I peek through the small window and see a child standing in front of it. The child is holding a large bouquet of flowers.
Smart. Because I will only open my door for a child after what happened.

"Hello, miss, my uncle told me to bring you these flowers and this letter." With outstretched arms the child persuades me to take the letter.  "I really hope you will read. My uncle said I had to wait here till you read it. Please read it."

With arched brows I look at the child while I open the envelope. In it is a postcard with a donkey on it. At the back is written with crude block letters:

Please accept these flowers as a sincere apology for the behaviour of my colleague. I can assure you that he is NOT the scumbag you might think at this moment. If you could hear his side of the story you would understand. He really did not want to frighten you, and he is no creep. He is a good guy and a hard worker. But sometimes he just pushes too hard for his own good. I hope you will hear him out.

Kind regards,


"Henry is your uncle?" I ask the child.
"Yes, miss."
"What's your name?"
"Well, Polly. You can tell your uncle I read the letter. But maybe it's better if you give the flowers to your mom or your aunt. And tell your uncle Henry I don't want to talk to his colleague...uhm Ed."
"And Polly, you did really well. You're quite the messenger." I smile at her.
"Bye now." I close the door as she walks away.

~"Hear him out. Duhhh, don't think so."~

I reread the postcard.

~ "Not a creep! Ha! With his pants down and his face in my panties...not a creep?"~


When I get home from doing the groceries I notice there is someone sitting at the stairs of my apartment building.
It's the creep.
Although he isn't wearing that beanie with the buttons but this time a backward cap I recognize him immediately.
I quickly turn around but he already saw me.

"Please wait!"
"Go away." I sort of run.

"Please, miss, this is gonna cost me my job if you don't give me a chance to explain."
I stop.
"Can I buy you a coffee?" He points at the little café just over the bridge.

Misha gives me that 'we've got some catching up to do, girl'- look, when the creep and I sit down at a table by the window.
"What can I get you?" She leans on the table giving the guy her most enchanting smile.
I must admit. He does look cute.
"How are you, baby?" Misha gives me a hug...whispers in my ear. "Da fuck, girl?"
I wrinkle my nose and shake my head.
"Cappuccino for me, please, Misha."
"Uhhh...just coffee, black."
He looks up at Misha and gives her a dimply smile. "Please."
Misha and I seem to think the same; smiles like that should come with a warning.

"So..." I start. Looking at my hands because I hardly dare to look at him.
"Yes...hmm..."He mumbles.
"Yes...you caught me with my nose in your underwear."
I look up when I hear a laugh in his voice.
"It's hardly funny."
"Why did you say you would lose your job?" I ask, my face all earnest, trying to look into his eyes. Big, blue, baby eyes.
"Because you think I'm a pervert."
"Well, yeah!"
He rubs his face with both his hands. He breathes in and out quite loud.
"I get that..."
He leans forward and with an intense look in his eyes he continues.
"But you see...I didn't...I didn't realize those where your panties when I grabbed them."

At that moment Misha brings us our coffee.
"Here you are, darlings. And I baked brownies today. So I want you to taste them."
Grateful the perv looks up, this time a more timid smile.
"Thanks." I mumble, frowning at the guy in front of me.
With raised brows Misha looks at me and the cute creep.
"Well, enjoy." She says and walks away, giving me another look over her shoulder.
~"I'll explain."~ I mouth at her.
I'm so privileged to have such a friendly café a stone's throw away. I often sit here working on my laptop. But now I realize that because of that I don't have much privacy.
Misha, who is only slightly older than me, can be such a mom.
I shrug.
~"Oh well...it's a safe haven too in situations like this, I guess."~

The cute creep scrapes his throat.
I look back at him, and notice a strand of long brownish hair escaped his backward cap. It sort of accentuates his neck. Which is long and strong.
I feel my cheeks burn suddenly.

"So...not my panties."
He sort of pouts. Putting his bottom lip forward.
"No...I didn't realize they where your panties...just a piece of cloth."
"I can understand if you won't believe me, but I'm glad you want to listen."
He reaches over the table, in an attempt to touch my arm, but I lean back.
"I have nosebleeds."
With his thumb he strokes his chin.
He has a soul patch.
"Quite often..."
My mind flashes back to the image of him sitting on my toilet with my panties pressed against his face.
He drinks his coffee while I let sink in what he just said.
I notice him watching me intently again. With those eyes. Big, blue...


"Yes...when I strain myself, like in heavy physical labour I sometimes...well get nosebleeds."
"...quite often..." He repeats softly.
"....and you got one when..."
"Yes." He chuckles. "That chest was quite heavy."
He turns to Misha who is busying herself behind the counter. Trying to hide her curiosity.
"Those brownies are wonderful! Thank you for letting us taste them."
"You're welcome, my dear." Misha glows, then awkwardly winks at me.
"I would like to pay, please?" Blue eyes asks.
"But my nickers?" I interrupt.
He turns back at me.
"I grabbed them, not thinking, I just wanted something to stem my nosebleed.
You see? I just...well...sorry...I know what it must have looked like."
The wooden chair makes a scraping sound when he pushes it back to get up.
Misha hands him the check, and he grabs his wallet from the back of his shorts.
I now notice he is wearing long johns under his shorts. In a flower pattern.

I wave at Misha while he holds the door open for me when we leave.
He holds the bag with my groceries up.
"Don't forget them." He grins at me. That dashing smile showing incredibly cute dimples.

"So...will you call my boss?" He asks, now biting his lip and straining his brows in a puppy manner.
"Why would I."
"To report..."
"No. I never thought of that."
"Really?" He seems relieved.
"But you believe me?"
I shrug.
"Sure. But you should see a doctor. For those nosebleeds."
"I will. Thank you. My name is Eddie, by the way."
I nod. "Bye, Eddie."

I look over my shoulder when I walk back to my house.
I see him leaning against the wall of the café. He watches me, his head bent, an indefinable look upon his face.

1 comment:

  1. i'm relieved.... nosebleeds are an acceptable excuse.
    and i smile so much when reading your descriptions of Eddie. so true! his dimply smile should definitely come with a warning!
