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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Thursday 20 July 2017

Ivar and the wolf, part 3.

In my bed, curled up under the sheets but still shivering, I cannot fall asleep.

I have no idea why I let him do what he did and why it seemed a matter of course. As if it is a natural thing for me to surrender to him. Like I've always known him.
I don't know if I feel like a goddess or a cheap hoe.
I shudder and bite a piece of skin on my thumb.
I must have been daydreaming. It can't have been real.
But I feel a twitch in my womb when I think about his eyes, the whites of his eyes, and his hand, the tightness of his pants.
My cat jumps on the bed. Starts purring and flexing his paws on the duvet.
My breathing gets more even and I feel I'm slowly floating into oblivion.

My phone rings and when I try to get it from the nightstand it falls. The ringtone almost sounds angry now. Grunting I kick the duvet together with my cat to the foot section and reach for the device.

"Hullo." I mumble.
"Good morning sunshine." I hear the cheerful voice of my friend Mara.
"Oh...alright. Let me guess. The wolf?"
"Shit, Mara?"
"Are you still in one piece?"
"Nothing happened!" I exclaim. Trying to convince myself. "He returned my car keys. That's all. He....uh...."
"Did he repair your car?" Mara asks, suspicious.
"Uhm...yes...uh...I guess...."
"You're not sure?"
"Well. I'll look later. It was dark when he brought back my keys."
"Ivar, is everything okay?"

I tell Mara that I've had this weird fantasy about the wolf, about how he entered my house, my mirror, my aura, my intimacy. And how I let him.
"But he has returned your keys?" Mara asks after some silence.
I get out of bed and walk to the table.
On the table are my car keys.
"But how did they get there?" Mara wonders.
"I don't know." I touch the car keys. The cold metal in shrill contrast with the warmth of his hands.
"Listen, Mara, it was a dream...it...."
I suddenly remember I have a spare set of my house keys in the clove compartment of my car. So that is how he got in. Yes, must have been.
I tell her about my keys.
"Shall I send Paul over to get your lock changed?" Says Mara.
"No. It will be alright. Hey, Mara, let me remind you I'm picking you up tonight. Victor's party. Remember? The Marvel party? Get your Poison Ivy costume ready. I'll be at your house at 22.30 hours."

When I break the connection I feel determined to reject the idea that my downstairs neighbour got into my apartment so that he - we - could be intimate. I will check my car's clove compartment and if my house keys are not there I will politely ask them back. The guy is a hottie, not a creep. Of that I'm sure.

Giggling I get into my Marvel villain costume. I do so love these dress up parties.
Victor is an old friend from school. He was a shy boy, but during his college years he did some stuff in IT and well....he got rich. Turned into a party boy. We don't really share the same interests but he keeps inviting me to his parties. Well, I don't complain.
I put on my mask, breath in and adjust my body suit, paste a plaster on my heel - in case I get a blister - and slide in my knee high stiletto boots.
Ready to go. When I get my car keys a heat flash comes over me. I think of the Wolf and his able touch.

My car is here, I walk around it and no visible scratch or dent. As if nothing has happened. The spare keys of my house are still in the clove compartment.
But my car won't start.
I mutter a curse and frustrated slam the door.
I look at the time. Mara is waiting for me.
What now.

With clenched fists I bang on his door.
"Open up. I know you're home!"
"Eddie, open the door, my fucking car won't start!"
Somehow I feel he's on the other side.
"Eddie?" I whisper.
"Yeah." He says after some silence.
I feel his reluctance when he opens the door.
Then his mouth seems to drop open.
He seems to gasp.

"Catwoman?" He stammers.