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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Friday 4 November 2016

Ivar and the Wolf, part 2

I am really confused when I get back to my own apartment.
"That is one weird mother fucker." I mumble when I make myself some tea.
I call Mara. We talk for a while. I stroke my cat who is sitting on my lap. I eat a biscuit. Mara warns me. "You should probably stay away from him. He will fuck you in the brain."
"I wouldn't really mind to be fucked by him." I tell her.
"Ha! No, I'm sure you wouldn’t. But I will have to pick up the pieces."
"Ivar. I know you. Don't get yourself hurt. That's all I'm saying."
"I know.... thank you."

Why did he first deny he was the Ed on that note he left under my wipers? Such a weird guy. I wonder what he is doing now.
I take a glass from the cupboard. Put it upside down on the floor and kneel over it. I comb my hair behind my ear and press it at the bottom of the glass. I listen.
Someone walking.
Then the music is turned down. Again talking. A man's voice. Then a short laugh.
Footsteps and a door slamming.

I brush my teeth and put on my pyjamas. I like these pyjamas. They are comfy. Ugly of course, with the soccer print, ugly but comfy.


The wolf stares at my slippers. My fluffy bunny slippers.
He scrapes his throat. Suppresses a laugh.
"Are you about to go to sleep? Sorry for bothering you. Cute pyjamas. You look like a little boy."
"What do you want?" I ask. Lifting my chin in an aggressive manner.
"Uh..." He is silent. Just looks into my eyes. Then his insanely long lashes slowly drop over his mesmerizingly blue ones as he closes them and rubs his brow with his fingers. Like trying to concentrate...or in pain.
"... I need your car keys to get your car repaired." He croaks.
"Oh, yes, sure." I say and turn around to get the keys.
"I won't need my car tomorrow, but I...."
"You need some insurance you'll get your car back, of course." He interrupts.
"I thought of that."
He takes a step back and picks up a case he left in the hallway.
"This is my guitar. It is very valuable to me. Keep it as a deposit."
Relieved he understands my trust issues I take the case inside and put it on the kitchen table. Carefully open it to discover a worn acoustic guitar.
"It doesn't look like much, but...." I hear right behind me, not realizing he has followed me inside.
He delicately strokes a lock of my hair behind my ear. Caresses my neckline. It's like time stands still for a moment.
I step aside.
He takes the guitar out of the case and gently fingers the snares.
I hope he won't embarrass me by starting to play. Or worse; sing.
"No problem." I quickly say. "Here are my keys. Just be gentle with my car."

In bed I savour the memory of the warmth of his fingers when he took the car keys from my hand.
I remember that same warmth when we held hands at that party.
I sigh. Push back the pillow and try to sleep.

After another boring day at the office I return home, happily looking forward to a boring evening in my cosy apartment. Not true really. It wasn't a boring day at all. It was rather busy, and I had to deal with a couple of angry customers on the phone. But I managed to pacify them and I got compliments from my boss. And....ugh.... it was boring...

I look out of the window and notice that my car isn't back yet.

I'm so stupid. Trading my car for a used up old guitar. The guy doesn't look reliable at all, and how do I even know he's going to repair my car - even acknowledge wrecking it?

I light candles, put on some music and take a quick shower.
"It's getting dark already." I muse when I close the curtains.
Still no car.
The body butter Mara gave me a couple of days ago smells delicious. I am torn between eating it or rubbing it onto my body.
Looking in the mirror as I slowly massage the crème on my belly I notice I'm getting a tummy. Maybe get back to running a couple of times a week. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not.
Mmmm....amazing smell...

I didn't hear him. He was just there suddenly. Walking up to me out of the shade. I should scream, but I don't.
Our eyes lock through the mirror. I lean back when I feel his body warmth and let out a sigh when he puts his hands on my bare hips, his long hair falling over my naked shoulder when he kisses my throat.
That same mesmerising warmth oozing from his fingers as they stroke the inside of my arm while he gently bends it backward, behind my back.
His other hand glides over my tummy, and slowly he starts touching me. Working me till my knees start to give and I can hardly stand anymore.
I gasp, flex my hand and feel his excitement through the fabric of his pants.
He breathes out as if he held his breath all this time. With a soft whimper.
The warmth. It is all around me.
I don't know if it is him or me that makes that moaning sound.

And then I don't feel his agile fingers on me anymore. Nor his warm body behind me.

I'm on the floor - my hands pressed against my mouth, not comprehending what just happened  - when I hear the sound of my car keys falling on the table.
"Your car is fixed." I hear him say. "I'm no longer in your debt. Sleep well."
And then the door is being shut.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving that you've touched on the wolfy aspect in Eddie. Very, very intriguing... <3
