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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Friday 4 November 2016

Ivar and the Wolf, part 2

I am really confused when I get back to my own apartment.
"That is one weird mother fucker." I mumble when I make myself some tea.
I call Mara. We talk for a while. I stroke my cat who is sitting on my lap. I eat a biscuit. Mara warns me. "You should probably stay away from him. He will fuck you in the brain."
"I wouldn't really mind to be fucked by him." I tell her.
"Ha! No, I'm sure you wouldn’t. But I will have to pick up the pieces."
"Ivar. I know you. Don't get yourself hurt. That's all I'm saying."
"I know.... thank you."

Why did he first deny he was the Ed on that note he left under my wipers? Such a weird guy. I wonder what he is doing now.
I take a glass from the cupboard. Put it upside down on the floor and kneel over it. I comb my hair behind my ear and press it at the bottom of the glass. I listen.
Someone walking.
Then the music is turned down. Again talking. A man's voice. Then a short laugh.
Footsteps and a door slamming.

I brush my teeth and put on my pyjamas. I like these pyjamas. They are comfy. Ugly of course, with the soccer print, ugly but comfy.


The wolf stares at my slippers. My fluffy bunny slippers.
He scrapes his throat. Suppresses a laugh.
"Are you about to go to sleep? Sorry for bothering you. Cute pyjamas. You look like a little boy."
"What do you want?" I ask. Lifting my chin in an aggressive manner.
"Uh..." He is silent. Just looks into my eyes. Then his insanely long lashes slowly drop over his mesmerizingly blue ones as he closes them and rubs his brow with his fingers. Like trying to concentrate...or in pain.
"... I need your car keys to get your car repaired." He croaks.
"Oh, yes, sure." I say and turn around to get the keys.
"I won't need my car tomorrow, but I...."
"You need some insurance you'll get your car back, of course." He interrupts.
"I thought of that."
He takes a step back and picks up a case he left in the hallway.
"This is my guitar. It is very valuable to me. Keep it as a deposit."
Relieved he understands my trust issues I take the case inside and put it on the kitchen table. Carefully open it to discover a worn acoustic guitar.
"It doesn't look like much, but...." I hear right behind me, not realizing he has followed me inside.
He delicately strokes a lock of my hair behind my ear. Caresses my neckline. It's like time stands still for a moment.
I step aside.
He takes the guitar out of the case and gently fingers the snares.
I hope he won't embarrass me by starting to play. Or worse; sing.
"No problem." I quickly say. "Here are my keys. Just be gentle with my car."

In bed I savour the memory of the warmth of his fingers when he took the car keys from my hand.
I remember that same warmth when we held hands at that party.
I sigh. Push back the pillow and try to sleep.

After another boring day at the office I return home, happily looking forward to a boring evening in my cosy apartment. Not true really. It wasn't a boring day at all. It was rather busy, and I had to deal with a couple of angry customers on the phone. But I managed to pacify them and I got compliments from my boss. And....ugh.... it was boring...

I look out of the window and notice that my car isn't back yet.

I'm so stupid. Trading my car for a used up old guitar. The guy doesn't look reliable at all, and how do I even know he's going to repair my car - even acknowledge wrecking it?

I light candles, put on some music and take a quick shower.
"It's getting dark already." I muse when I close the curtains.
Still no car.
The body butter Mara gave me a couple of days ago smells delicious. I am torn between eating it or rubbing it onto my body.
Looking in the mirror as I slowly massage the crème on my belly I notice I'm getting a tummy. Maybe get back to running a couple of times a week. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not.
Mmmm....amazing smell...

I didn't hear him. He was just there suddenly. Walking up to me out of the shade. I should scream, but I don't.
Our eyes lock through the mirror. I lean back when I feel his body warmth and let out a sigh when he puts his hands on my bare hips, his long hair falling over my naked shoulder when he kisses my throat.
That same mesmerising warmth oozing from his fingers as they stroke the inside of my arm while he gently bends it backward, behind my back.
His other hand glides over my tummy, and slowly he starts touching me. Working me till my knees start to give and I can hardly stand anymore.
I gasp, flex my hand and feel his excitement through the fabric of his pants.
He breathes out as if he held his breath all this time. With a soft whimper.
The warmth. It is all around me.
I don't know if it is him or me that makes that moaning sound.

And then I don't feel his agile fingers on me anymore. Nor his warm body behind me.

I'm on the floor - my hands pressed against my mouth, not comprehending what just happened  - when I hear the sound of my car keys falling on the table.
"Your car is fixed." I hear him say. "I'm no longer in your debt. Sleep well."
And then the door is being shut.

Friday 21 October 2016

Ivar and the wolf

"Mara you couldn't have picked a more slutty outfit for us." I say.
"I can't possibly wear this."
"Nonsense." My friend says determined. Pulling the skirt down at the front, which almost makes my boobs fall out of that corselet.
"You look cute...we look cute."
I look at Mara who really doesn't look decent at all. To say the least.
"Come on Mara, we don't look like Snow White and Goldilocks, we look like hookers!"
"Listen, Ivar, we are going to have fun. Don't be such a tight-ass. Here. Grab another beer. You look awesome. Doesn't she, Paul?"
Paul hands Mara and me another beer. He looks at me, then at her and kisses her on the mouth. He has a naughty smirk on his face.
"You both look hot."
"Paul!" Mara cries.
"And don't call her Ivar. That's so weird." Paul laughs.

Mara, Paul and me are in the sub on our way to a fancy dress party given by some people I don't really know. Paul knows them. I think she is a model and he a photographer, or a drummer. I can't recall. They live in the financial district. Fancy indeed. We walk up an alley and a doorman checks our invitation and points to a rusty gate behind which is an elevator.
The loft apartment is already filled up with people. Almost all of them dressed as fairy tale figures. The balcony doors are open and an overwhelming fog of marihuana swirls inside. The music is loud. Someone hands me another beer.
"Here. Let me take your coat." A man says. He is green. His face, his hands, his clothes. Even his hair.
I smile.
"Goldilocks, right?" He gently pulls one of the ringlets of my blond wig.
"I'm Floyd." He smiles. "Wanna dance?"

Floyd turns out to be a very entertaining guy. Even more after a couple of drinks and the puff we had on the terrace. When he leans over to kiss me my wig falls off. I try to grab it, but somehow I hit it and it tumbles over the rail...into the deep.
"Shit." I laugh. "I'm a mess."
Floyd wants to kiss me again, but I walk past him. I just need to pee.
When I get inside again they play the Dead Kennedy's; Too drunk to fuck.
In the corridor on my way to the toilet I bump into a guy. Almost slam into the wall.
"Watch out." He says. Grabs my arm. Looks me in the eyes.
"Are you okay?" The guy asks in a deep husky voice.
He has the most intense blue eyes. Accentuated by the charcoal smear around them.
"Wolf!" My instict cries, and suddenly I feel dizzy.
"Muuuuurkkkk." I sound. And throw up over his shoes.

I rinse my mouth with some toothpaste on my finger and try to wash off Floyd's green greasepaint from my face. And, I notice embarrassed, a green smudge on my boob.
When I look in the mirror I see a run down Goldilocks. Without the blond wig, but the dirndl dress still makes me look like a porn star. Well, more like Nina Hagen in the morning, though. Why can't I keep things low key. Just be this nice girl looking like a hoe at parties. But no. I have to get drunk, stoned, kiss the green goblin and throw up over the shoes of the big bad wolf too.

That guy did look like a predator. Or a racoon. I giggle.
One more time I splash water in my face, comb my short hair backwards with my fingers.
There is still green on my face, but I look a bit better.
I need to find Mara and Paul and go home.
When I get out of the bathroom the guy with the charcoal make up around his eyes, is leaning against the wall. He's wearing a black jeans and a black faded tee, with a faded cord jacket. Also black. I notice he has brown curly hair, partly hanging on his shoulders but also stashed away in a mask he has on the back of his head. I look at his shoes. I guess he has held them under the tab. They are wet, but clean. Doc Martins. They look worn.
He's taking a sip of his beer. Perfect pink lips.
He nods when he sees me looking at him.
I know I'm blushing.
"Feeling better?" He asks in a cynical tone.
"I'm so sorry." I start, but am interrupted by Mara.
"There you are! We were worried. That green guy you were with said you had left suddenly. Are you okay?"
Then she walks up to me and whispers:
"Who's that gorgeous guy? He's so your type. A skinny bum." She winks at me.
Mara can be so bolt at certain days. I worry what might happen next.
"I don't..."
But she already walks up to him.
"Hi, I'm Mara. How's it going? Have you met my friend Ivar?"
"Uh...no, I'm just standing here...don't know him."
I giggle.
Mara gestures at me.
"Ivar. Come here. Say hi to.... sorry, what's your name?"
He looks at Mara's face and then at me. Ignoring her question.
"Uhm...yes...hi." I hold out my hand.
His hand is warm and soft.

I feel like holding his hand forever. And he takes no effort to let go of mine either.
Must be a bit awkward, because I hear Mara sigh.

"There is my baby." Paul walks up and hugs Mara, kissing her in her neck.
Behind him the green goblin, Floyd, giving me a big grin.
We all kind of embrace, like it's a reunion. Floyd hands out some beers.
From the corner of my eye I see the charcoal guy walking away into a melee of people. The mask on the back of his head is indeed a wolf mask.
He also has a tail.
"Wolf!" I call, but he doesn't turn around.

I'm dreaming that I'm at a party and wearing that same outrageous porn dirndl, but this time it is red. I'm also wearing a hooded cape. Obviously red too. My dream life doesn't spare me. I'm on my knees, pleasuring an anonymous man and am about to lower his greenish jeans when his hand lifts my chin. I look up in the face of a wolf with the bluest eyes. The wolf snarls:
"You drunken bitch!" And backhands me.
With a start I wake up. Clutching my cheek.

After the shower I feel a bit better. There still seems to be cotton wool in my head, but I manage to get dressed and am ready to go. I put on some lipstick, the colour matches my little red parka. I'll get coffee on my way to the office.
When I walk to my car I see someone parked his truck in the most inconvenient way; half on the pavement, and blocking access to my car. As I get closer, to check things out, I see a large scratch and a dent on my bumper.

This day never seems to come to an end. And I'm so happy when it's 5 o'clock so I can go home. I bought some groceries and when I walk up to my house I remember my car.
The truck is still standing there, but I notice there is a note under one of the windscreen wipers.

Last night I hit your car while trying to park.
I'm so very sorry.
Please contact me at this address so we can work things out.


The address is in my building. The asshole lives in my building.
One floor under me, to be precise.
I mutter a curse, but decide to go there right away.
Clutching my groceries against my chest I press the bell.
I hear nothing, only music.
I knock.
Just when I walk away the door opens.
I turn. He's wearing a blue tee now, and no make up, but I recognize him.
It's the wolf.

He has an angry frown and leans against the doorpost, arms folded. Nice biceps.
"Can I help you?" He mumbles.
"Ehhh...yes. My car?"
In a bored manner he lifts his head to look at me. Then his eyes seem to get bigger.
Then he lowers his gaze, raises one brow and says:
"So...you are a naughty Goldilocks at night and a prude Little Red Riding Hood during the day?"
"Cute." I smirk. "About my car?"
"What about it?" He says in a slow voice.
"You wrecked it."
"How'd you know it was me?"
"This note?"
I wave the note in front of his annoyingly handsome face.
"Hold still." He grabs my wrists to look at it.
Nah...'s not my handwriting." He takes it from my hand and crumples it. Sticks it in his back pocket.
"Aren't you Ed?" I reach over and take back the crumpled note. I can't help noticing he has a firm round little butt.
He raises his brows. Presumes innocence.
"Who says I'm Ed?"
"Don't you live here?"
"God, you're an asshole." I turn around and want to walk away, but he puts a hand on my shoulder.
"Ivar." He laughs. "Ivar." He repeats. "Listen, I'm sorry. I'll have your vehicle repaired. I'll take it to the car repair tomorrow. Of course I will."
Then he does the oddest thing. He stares at me for a while, frowns, bends his head forward and looks at me through all that hair that has fallen in front of his face. Then he straightens, combs his hair backwards and sighs.
And then he mumbles to himself:
"I can't have this right now."
He takes a step back and slowly closes the door while he promises:

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Her true nature, part 2 (not ready yet)

This is part two of the story that started as a challenge. I wrote part one in January 2015.
Here is the link in case you want to read it (again).

~"Oh please father let me go to him. Look at him! His sorrow is likely to kill him.
Why can't I go? It's not fair that my brother can be with him and I cannot. My brother is looking after him - yes I know- but please, father. It is killing me too." Begged the kelpie.
~"Your brother did not give himself the way you did," said her father firm.
"You knew what would happen."

The ethereal young man was wondering why the beautiful horse always left at a certain time. One moment they were playing at the beach, like she used to do - with a smile he remembered the frail woman frolicking through the waves, surprizing the horse, her sparkling laughter and the high pitched neigh of the stallion- and the next moment it would gallop away. Into the surf, and then he would be gone.
The first time the steed did that he was worried, but the following day it would be waiting for him. Watching over the waters, comforting him, offering his strong neck and mane for him to lean on...and weep.
Where did she go? Where? Why?

It was driving him mad.
His friends worried for his sanity. They listened to the story of the young woman that broke his heart, but they never believed him: How she had vanished - sobbing he would tell them that she had vanished into the sea, like foam, dissolved.
He's drunk. They would say, and that was true. He drank too much, and then he would stumble back to the shore, wait for his four-legged friend and look out for her.

The sea creature looked stern when he spoke to his daughter.
~"There is only one way for you to regain your human form. And you know perfectly well what that is. You scorned your true nature, and for what? Lust? Love? For a human!"
~"He's not; I know he's not!" The kelpie cried out.
"You know what grandmother said! She knows! She knows!"
~"All right." The father sighed. "I will give you another chance. Do what you have to do. Act according to our ways.
And if he survives; he's not...human."

With a heavy heart the young woman waded through the surf towards the shore. Her father's voice echoed in the back of her head; do what you have to do.
She was scared.
But she was exited also. She pushed away her father's warning. Now she was back in her human form and she would see him again. The beautiful young man she had been craving.
Her long hair floated on the surface around her. Like kelp made out of silk. She only wore a tee, too large for her so it was almost like a dress. It clung to her body when she left the water. Each step in the sand she cherished. Oh land. Oh warmth. Oh earth.

The moon helped her find her lover. He was lying against a dune. A bottle of gin in his hands. His head leaning backwards in the beach grass. His mouth open, a bit of drool on his chin. He had obviously passed out. She kneeled beside him. Tenderly stroked an unruly lock of hair out of his face. She gasped when he softly moaned and closed his mouth. Despite the state he was in he was so beautiful.
With one finger she traced the shape of his lips. His brow. The serious furrow above the bridge of his nose.
She took his head and slowly placed it into her lap to make him more comfortable. Stroking his chest, his shoulders, his bare arms, his long hair that looked golden in the pale light of the moon.
Hardly audible she began to sing.

A mist from the sea announced daybreak. Gulls made themselves audible. The horse quietly approached. He whinnied and happily tossed his head when he discovered the young woman watching over his human friend.

~"Hello brother," the kelpie said. "I'm back."

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Nanny in Amsterdam, part 21

For those who forgot, or never read this; this is a sequel I wrote last year. And suddenly I stopped.
That's what I do. I almost never finish a story.
But I've decided to continue this one.

I wrote the first chapter in January last year: Nanny in San Diego, chapter 1

It's about a girl who becomes a nanny for a Dutch couple that live in San Diego.
The girl is Dutch herself. One day she goes to the beach, with a guy who works as a pool boy, and meets a surf dude.
There is this attraction between the nanny and the surf dude, but somehow communication isn't their strongest point.
Fate and misunderstandings keep them apart. Each an every time.

In the last chapter Lotte goes out with an old schoolfriend and discovers Eddie is still alive.

So here is chapter 21.

I bang on the door.
But they stay shut.
I walk through the alley to the front of the venue.
The people won't let me back inside. The rules, they say. I can get my coat, though.
Someone walks with me, just in case. I stand in front of the locker, then swiftly turn and run to the concert-hall. But the security person grabs me by the shoulder and pushes me to the exit.
"But you don't understand. He's my boyfriend!"
"Sure. They all say that. Go home fan-girl. Cry on your Eddie pillow."

And I'm outside again.

I go home. Drag myself to bed.

I know I will never see him again. Security. Guess he needs it now.
I'm reading a review of the show. He and the band obviously made it. Big now. Famous.
Even if, by accident, I get close to him he won't talk to me. I left him. For dead. In that hospital. After that horrible day.
I know he will think that. How can I tell him my father took me home...like ragdoll without a will of her own. He will not understand I am so weak.
I can't believe it myself.
I love him.

I throw the newspaper in a corner and get my stuff. 
I load my board on my car and drive to the beach. Wijk aan Zee. The only place you get the waves. Pretty good actually.
It's raining when I get there. But there is no wind. And the sea is like a mirror. No action whatsoever.

"Sup Lotte?" The blond Yannick greets me at surfclub Hui Nalu.
"Doing great, thank you. And you?"
"It's hanging." He winks. "No surfing for you, I guess?"
"Nah. Maybe some paddling though."
"Yes, please."
"So." He looks at me questioning when he hands me my coffee.
"What have you been doing to yourself?" He points at my bruised arm; the result of my wrestling with the security guy last night.
"Just a reminder that I shouldn't try to climb the stage during rock concert when bulky men are trying to maintain order."
"Really? Some pretty boys band?" He laughs.
"All dirt bags, more like." I answer with a smirk, thinking of Eddie's beautiful long hair.
A tear rolls over my cheek.
Irritated I wipe it away. But I think Yannick already saw it. He looks at me pensive.
"Thanks for the coffee." I quickly empty the mug.
"I'll be back later. I think I'll try to catch some anyway."
"Good luck."

The sound of the gulls and the sweet murmur of the rippling waves under my board lightens my gloomy state of mind. The rhythmic movement of my paddle through the water clears my head.
I'm almost happy.
No. I'm happy.
With a smile on my face I remember the first time I saw Eddie.
Clearly I see that small wet feather at the end of the small braid in his hair, stroking his tan muscled shoulder. Even now I feel that lurch inside my belly. His smile when he looked up, curious why I caught my breath. The butterflies.

He's alive.

"He's alive." I cry out to the grey sky.

A slight breeze builds up some waves with breakers. I catch a few and then decide to go back to shore.
I drag my board through the sand while I climb up the slope of the dune. I think I'll eat a burger or something and then go home.
I put my board upright agains the wooden wall of the cabin.
When I enter the surfclub Yannick is still behind the bar.
"Can I get a veggieburger, Yannick?" I ask.
"And a mint tea?"

It's nice and warm in the club. A fire in the woodstove is softly crackling and acoustic music is playing from the speakers.
Yannick returns from the kitchen with my burger. It looks and smells delicious and I say so. I'm hungry and I don't hide it.

"Lotte," the friendly blond giant says while he's watching me devour my meal, "there was a guy here....I think he was looking for you."
I frown.
"I didn't ask. But he was inquiring about renting a board. He wanted to go surfing and then he casually mentioned your name. Asked if I knew a pretty girl named Lotte."
My heart starts beating loud.
"What did he look like?" I ask breathless. I feel faint.
"Small guy. American. Californian type."
"Where did he...w....is he..."
"Whoa, Lotte! Calm down. He left. Said he'd come back."
"What did you tell him?"
"I said I knew you...That you come here sometimes."
"And? How did he react?"
He laughs.
"A bit like you now actually. Like an eager dog."
"And what?"
I mockingly punch Yannick.
"What did he do next?"
"He left. I lent him a board and he left."
"When was this?" I'm jumping up and down now.
"Just now, when you where paddle boarding...oh."
Yannick looks perplexed as I run outside.

I run up the beach. Expecting to see Eddie, which is completely unrealistic - I know.
The beach is almost deserted, apart from an older woman with a couple of dogs and bald guy trying to keep his kite in the air.

But then I see him. A small figure diving into the breakers.
"Eddie!" I call.
But he cannot hear me over the sound of the breaking waves.
I run through the water to him. Half laughing, half in trance.
A big wave is about to collapse and I jump over it the same moment as Eddie does.
Together we emerge from the water, spluttering, stroking our hair back from our forehead.
His eyes upon me.
Without saying anything I wade towards him. With a sigh I take his face between my hands and kiss his perfect lips.
"Lotte." He sighs on my mouth.
And then a next wave comes crushing down at us.
We cling to each other. Trying to brace ourselves with feet in the sand, but the waves keep on pushing us over.
Without letting go we wade to the shore, while kissing, embracing each other tightly.
His mouth, his tongue, his lean muscled body.
Ohh, I think, I will never let him go.

It's still raining softly when I lean back against the dune. Pulling Eddie with me.
He sits up a bit, leaning on one elbow, turning the sand into a small avalanche.
"I hoped you'd be here." He whispers, carefully pulling the zipper from my wetsuit down. His intense gaze makes me squirm invisible. I know I hold my breath.
A quiet moan escapes his mouth when he pushes the rubber fabric away from my shoulders, peeling the suit off my body.
His mouth finds mine again, with his tongue he brings back the memories of the intimacy we shared those months ago. And impatiently I push my hips against his, willing to experience that feeling of oneness again.

Silently he leads himself inside of my centre, fixating me with those amazing eyes.
I've never seen him so serious. He frowns, but rolls his eyes up when he thrusts.
I bite his shoulder as he's screwing me. His hands holding mine above my head.
He groans when he retreats, almost moving out of me, to push back in, making me gulp for air. Again and again. Until I forget everything around me and heave his name, over and over.

"Eddie...oh Ed..d...die...Eddie...I...I love you!" I cry out.

Muttering a curse he pulls back out, now fully and with a roar he unloads on my belly.

Shivering he rests his forehead on mine. Softly whispering incomprehensible words, while caressing my hair and face.

Then he rolls on his back. The cold air and the soft rain suddenly my blanket.

When I sit up to stroke his chest I notice his eyes are shut tight and his brows almost more furrowed then usual.

Suddenly I get scared.
"Eddie...what's wrong?" I ask.

"WTF, bitch? You love me? So where the fuck did you go after I nearly died for you?"