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This is a blog with stories inspired by a muse known as Eddie. I respect this man thoroughly and I do not mean to insult him in any way. This is just a fantasy. Please leave comments. I write for myself mainly, but an occasional comment is highly appreciated.

Monday 22 September 2014

19. Better person

He sits opposite of me. At the kitchen table.
He wants to talk. To get to know each other.
"I thought it time to finally get to know each other a bit first." Is what he said.

I am rather angry, actually. I want to kick him out. But my time is precious with him. Always too short. So I sit. And we talk.

"Why don't you come and live with me."
"I always have to come to you. Come live with me now your children no longer live with you. Apple will go to university soon and your son lives with his dad now. Tour with me."
"That's just crazy!"
"It can be done. She won't mind."
"Your wife won't mind?!"
I look at him as if he has completely lost his mind. And I am about to lose mine.
"Will you do it for Apple?" He gives me a cute look. I laugh. I scorn.
"Apple is almost grown up now. Use another bait."
"For me?" He does the pouting bunny on me. It almost works.
"Listen to me, funny guy," I say, "you said you want to get to know me. But you do know me. And you should know I will never say yes.
I'm old fashioned. Much more than you. I can not share. You are a better person than I am. And probably your wife is too.
So no. This role, as the other woman, befits me perfectly. I will not come with you and you should go back. Always. You can not stay.
Only promise me one thing. That you'll always return."

He stands up and crouches next to me. His head in my lap. I stroke his wonderful hair. It is getting a bit longer again. I like that. I bow over him and breath in his familiar smell, his salty breeze.
"Please, just let me..." He mumbles. And at that moment the doorbell goes.

I walk to the door and open it. A tall, dark and handsome young man bents over me and gives me a kiss on my mouth.
"Hi babe," he says and walks past me. "Came to see how you're doing since I haven't seen you in a while."
It is Nicolas.
Nicolas embraces me and tries to kiss me, but I turn away my face. His kiss lands in my neck, and his lips linger there.
"You smell lovely." He says. And looks up when he sees my other visitor standing in the hallway.
"Wow, you never told me!" He exclaims enthusiastic. Paces towards my love with his arm around me. Possessive.
"How are you, sir, I'm a great fan." Shaking his hand.
"Thank you." My love says with his low voice. A strange look on his face, grumpy and shy.
"And you are?" Looking from me to Nicolas, who is still holding me.
"This is Nicolas," I say while I push the taller man to the door, "who just came to say hello. Right, Nicolas?"
"Hey babe, I...eh...sure! Call me?" As I close the door behind him.
When I return, my lion still stands in the hallway. Looking pensive.
"Who was that?" he asks.
"Oh just some guy." I say. "Shall we have a bite? Or are you not hungry?"
"Oh. I'm hungry alright." He grabs my hand. Draws me against him.
"Some guy, huh? Who is he?" He forces his lips on mine. His tongue pushing them apart.
"Is he your lover?" His hands are kneading my back, stroking my buttocks. I can not help but kiss him back.
"Is he good?" He rubs his crotch against me. It is swelling.
He caresses my breast, circling the nipple with his thumb.
"Does he make you moan?" His hand is under my dress, stroking between my legs, making my panties wet.
I open his pants and touch his full grown shaft. Firmly I grab it. He is so hard.
"Does he make you beg?" He draws aside my panties and moves his penis in my slit. I whimper.
He thrusts. His legs between mine, his hands around my waist. Supporting me, while I receive. We almost tumble on the floor. Moving, banging each other. On the carpet. Rough strokes. Wild. Primitive.
"Does he make you scream when you come?" He groans.
I arch my back, collect every strike he gives. I pant. I put my nails in his back. I heave. I scream.
And he roars. My lion.

"I am sorry." He holds me in his arms, while we spoon, on the floor. He kisses me softly on the back of my head.
"I guess I am not the better person you think I am."
I roll over. Kiss him on his nose.
"You are the best possible person." I say. Looking him in the eyes. His precious ocean blue eyes. I stroke his bearded chin and continue.
"Let us go back to our separate lives. We are one. Here." I touch my heart as he once did.
"Don't be jealous. My heart is occupied. By you and the children. But I need warmth sometimes. To share my bed. I am just a human being."
He nods. And sighs.
Then he takes me in his arms and helps me get up.
"Let's have a bite. I'm starving."

We are sitting at the table again. Just shared a delicious pizza tartufo bianco and a good glass of Italian wine.
He is preparing his performance for the coming tour. Scratches in this notebook of his.
"Can you translate my lines?"
And after I did. "Now pronounce them for me."
I speak the words in my own language. He tries and tastes the words. I say them again.
He looks intently at my mouth as I do. Puts his hand under my chin and pulls me towards him. Kisses my lips warmly.
I stand up. Take his hands and urge him to follow me. To my bedroom.

When he enters me I feel whole again. He is my other halve. Like some mythological being we are one.
As our breathing goes deeper our moves become slower. Almost not moving at all. Only that feeling of him on top of me. His moans against my mouth, his hands around my face. Oh, how I love him.

The following day he has to leave. We embrace for the last time and then he turns around and walks away.

Bye my elf. Fare you well.

Saturday 6 September 2014

18. Insecure

Within a view days I will see my daughter again. She's been with her father and his family for a while, because she finished high school. And he and his band will tour in Europe.  So she'll come back with him and visit her poor lonely mom. Next semester, when summer ends, she will go to University. She chose to study in the States. Smart girl. But I will miss her dreadfully. As I do now.
Her father -my lover- he and I never made promises, but I'm pretty sure I will see him this summer. Only, don't know where, don't know when. I can never get used to that, but the benefits for this insecurity are so high. It is a prize I am willing to pay. The thought of seeing him again makes me glow with expectation.

I'm so nervous.  I've got to stay busy or I'll explode. The roof on a shed in my garden is leaking. So I'm thinking I might fix it. I bought some tar, I bought some bitumen roof covering and I borrowed a burner. I can do this. I'm sure I can.
While I put the ladder against the shed and am about the climb it -roll of material under one arm- I hear a voice behind me.
"Hey love, whatcha  doing?"

I drop everything, turn around and there he is.
That smile on his face, that stupid American baseball hat, t-shirt full of memento I know nothing about, shorts showing his cute skinny legs and above all his eyes -his beautiful ocean blue eyes now with crowsfeet, fanning out like beams of the sun. The prove of his happy live. I yell his name and run towards him. Jump in his arms. He roars with laughter, spins me around, holds me so tight I almost choke. Scanning his face I notice some new grey in his short cropped beard, his hair getting longer, his healthy tan, the precious mole under his left eye -but above all, that he has not changed one bit. Hungry I stare at his mouth, into his eyes, quizzical. Waiting. He puts me down. With a slap on my butt and a slight chuckle. Picks up the roof material and asks what I was about to do so he can fix it for me, because what use is a man around anyway. He winks.
And so, disappointed, I climb the ladder with him following me. Show him what is to be done, get down and leave him to it. Men, I sigh. Oh well. I'm getting older, obviously the physical attraction is waning.

I get into my garden house, put on some music -Jeff Buckley- take a quick shower and slip into a comfortable cotton summer dress, because I was feeling dirty and insecure. Then I make tea and sandwiches.
Suddenly a rumbling sound, a cry and a bang. I hurry outside to see him lying on the ground holding his knee with a painful grimace.
"What the hell happened! Are you all right!" I scream.
But he already tries to stand. Curses.
"Fucking leaves! That fucking roof is fucking slippery as fuck. Fuck!" He yells, trying to kick something, limping on one leg.
"Jesus, you could have broken something. Let me have a look. Come with me."
Leaning on me he hops inside. Sitting on a kitchen chair, he lets me feel his knee. It seems okay. Bruised, yes, but nothing serious, I think. I get some ice. Wrap it in a cloth and put it on his knee.
Then I feel a hand on my head. Fingers in my hair. Clawing.
"Come here," he says. Pulling me towards him.
Presses his lips on my mouth. Soft kiss. Looks me in the eyes.
"Missed you, you stubborn girl. Why do I always have to come to you?"
"It's easier that way."
"Your life is more complicated than mine. You know that."
He sighs. Tries to say something.
"How's Apple?" I interrupt.
"She is great! What a job you did there, raising our daughter. The girls and my wife love her so much. She is so easy with them. She's just amazing. I'm so proud."
He kisses me again. Friendly, light kiss, intimate yet distant.
"How long will you stay?" I ask the forbidden question. The one that hurts.
"A day or two, three. Rehearsal, two shows. Then off again."
I straighten. Get the tea. The sandwiches.
"What's that face?" He says. Brows arched.
"Nothing," I pout, turn to the counter, busy with nothing.
Silently he must have gotten up. Lifts my hair and brushes my neck with his beard.
"Don't be like that," he whispers. Nibbling my ear with his lips.
I shiver, but do not respond.
He pulls away my dress, leaving my shoulder bare. His tongue slides over my skin, one arm around my waist. Pressing me against him. With his other arm he leans against the counter.
Still I do not react. Gawky I arrange the sandwiches on a plate. I squeak when he suddenly bites my flesh.
"Goddammit, woman!" he growls, twisting me around.
He grabs my chin, forces a kiss on my mouth. Not so lightly now, but rough, demanding. Bending me against the counter. Touching me. I moan but push him of me. I take a step away, lean against the wall. Panting. With a wild, serious look on his face he approaches. Then takes hold of me again. We struggle a bit. Grabbing clothes. Mouths wide open we kiss, tongues entwining. His hands everywhere, stroking over my body, drops to his knees. A curse. His mouth in my crotch, breathing hot warm air through the fabric, biting my mount. My legs can not hold me. I lean on his shoulders. He lifts me. Carries me towards the kitchen table. Mouth still on my sex. Arms and hands around my ass. Lays me down on the table, shoves the things on there with one swipe of. He kisses and bites me trough my panties. My belly. Kneading my breasts and plundering my mouth. He grabs my hand, that is cramped on his strong arm, and pushes it against my vulva. Moves it as if I touch myself. Has I start breathing harder so does he. His hand stimulating me with through my own hand. Rubbing. With his other hand he unbuttons his shorts. I help him take them down.
He takes his hard rod and pulls my panties to one side. Then he teases me by holding the top against me, I feel the blood pulsing, but nothing more. He knows that drives me crazy. I meow. Bite his bottom lip. Pleading. I'm so ready for him. But nothing. He kisses my forehead, gets of the table and puts his pants back on. Leaving me bewildered.

"I thought it time to finally get to know each other a bit first."